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Painting alloy

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anyone ever painted there alloys before. what did you do and waht did you use,

or if any one knows please share and how to you get the alloys back to chrome.


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depending on how far back you take the paint the paint you may need to use an etch primer if you go back to bare alloy. any car paint should be fine just make sure they are all compatable with the clear and primer and use a few coats of clear as brake dust is pretty harsh stuff. duplicolour make a special wheel paint but i haven't used that.

you wont ever get the alloy back to chrome but you can polish them up quite nicely. ;)

really good write up:


little bit in here too:


Edited by Mike

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i do agree with cain, you just gotta weigh up whether you value cash or your time, fingertips, and sanity.

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Take them to Arrow wheels.

oh awsme that sounds good alot of help right there.

what would i polish them with sorry if dumb question.

and yeah but how much would they charge me each wheel. thanks

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Ring them, they quoted me 130 +gst to smooth off the outside of my wheel and paint it up.

Here is a good link for polishing if you really are broke and have a whole lot of patience.

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I painted my old 17's komatsu dark gray. (yes thats a digger colour lol). I used sandable primer to fill the scratches (and then sanded it).

I then went into my old work, and used their painting stuff (gun, paint, etc), primered them, light sand on the primer, then gave them a couple off coats of paint. They came out alright, but I suspect they will chip easy. It was an alright job considering it cost me next to nothing.

But if you want them to last/look good, I'd suggest, as others to get them done professionally.

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yeah i think im going to read up on evrything i can find then give it my best shot n if not work so well, have to ring dad overseas haha. would be much beter if this could work as im a student with no job. haha.

Bloody Exams I HATE THEM

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The best advice I can give you is sand, sand, sand. the primer and paint hide bugger all. The more time you spend on the prep, the better result.

I wasn't prepared to spend much time on mine, as I'm probably going to sell them, but a guy at work helped me out and I got them good enough. But I'm still not happy with them.

You'll have to either tape up or remove the paint where the tyre meets the rim.

Hope that helps


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well atm i have no tyres on the rim. but the only part i am painting is the iner dish i dont know what that part of the actual wheel is called but yeah they are dished wheels and im going to paint the centre glossy black. and the dish its self is alrdy polished.


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