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Attempt a Darwin award

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So, anyway. Driving home from the Mount today, I got to see some of the most insane manoeuvres.

Contestant number one, driving an early nineties Mitsi Lancer (white, ST2721) came haring up behind me as we entered Katikati. Then decided to pass me just outside with next to no visibility. The way his car handled, it appeared to have springs and no shocks. I've seen Jellies get around corners with more stability. It lurched into the long grass as he re-entered the correct lane.

Then contestant number two arrived on the scene. An E36 325 (Blue, YO3210). I will give the young lady her dues. She was definitely trying to get her passing done as quickly as possible. She must have been doing 160kph and was passing on a blind uphill bend just shy of the Athenree turnoff (passes contestant number 1).

Contestant number 1, then spots a hitchhiker at approaching Athenree forest. He slams it into the left lane and spins it around on the grass. Into the Forest and contestant number 2 decides that everyone is not going fast enough (as we're doing 100kph) and passes in the breakdown lane another 5 cars (technically safer than her first stunt).

Coming out of the forest, contestant number 1 catches me again (passenger on board) then proceeds to have me guessing how long he can keep his car on the road. Into Waihi and I shoot around the back bypass (with contestant number 1 in tow). He decides that he'll pass me up the inside (as the road narrows back onto SH2). Unknown to him, I don't give a sh*t about my much nicer company car and he takes avoiding action and slams into the (quite large) kerb. He gets in behind and then I can only guess that the hitchhiker asked to get out, as he bailed then. I never saw contestant number 1 again.

I followed the 325 through the Karangahake gorge, and to give the girl her dues, she didn't try anything stupid to get passed the truck we were following. I passed her and the truck leaving Paeroa (ah, horsepower, you have to love it). She then flew by me through the sweepers coming into Kerepehi (like a bat out of hell) and then turned right at the pub.

Good luck to them both. I'm sure a volunteer fire brigade will be meeting them too soon.

P.S. this was all on a greasy road as it wasn't really raining all that hard.

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