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Camera recommendations?

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Hey all,

Im scrambling to get my hands on a camera his weekend before I go away just after Christmas. Im looking for a nice point and shoot. Up to $400 but would like a fairly large memory card/stick with it.

Had a sony W something in the past, lasted a few years and was very happy with it. Until I broke it. But through no reason of the camera, it had a good life!

Does anybody know of any good deals going on this side of Christmas? Or maybe boxing day sales?

Open to ideas on brand etc, although I have a few sony accessories from the last camera which would lean me towards sony.

Thoughts? Cheers! B)

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I got a Canon A560 for fairly cheap with does the trick

uses AA's, but I got a set of Eneloop rechargeables for it

places like Harvey Normans, d*ck Smith, etc should have some good specials going at the moment

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make sure it's doesn't use AA's only get a rechargeable battery one...

I'd say the opposite, much prefer having AA's. I've got a set of eneloop rechargables and they're awesome. If they do run out and I dont have charger with me I can buy some normal AA's to replace them, cant do that with camera with odd shaped rechargables

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really.... the AA's last a 10th of the time and it gets very expensive... The lithium-ion battery's last a long time also i usually get a full weekend (3 days) of rally picture taking on the gf's camera, and 1 day on a set of AA in my digital camera...

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Cheers for the info guys, I think ill stick with a non AA battery camera, never had a problem with them in the past.

Am looking at a IXUS95IS / IXUS 100IS or maybe a sony WX1 if I can stretch the budget a bit more.

Anybody know the best way to sort out duty free? was going to look into DFS and pick up at the airport. Wonder if cameras are cheaper in AUS? but that could be a pain if i need to get warrently work done etc..

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really.... the AA's last a 10th of the time and it gets very expensive... The lithium-ion battery's last a long time also i usually get a full weekend (3 days) of rally picture taking on the gf's camera, and 1 day on a set of AA in my digital camera...

normal AA's are useless i agree but get a decent set of rechargables and they're fine. have you been using normal energizer throwaways or proper lithium camera batteries?

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Retail prices are similar in Oz and NZ last time I went to oz (Nov 08). I would imagine things are similar still. If you buy in Oz, you can claim GST back at airport (would takes around 10-15 minutes, located past immigration but before you board the planes in OZ airports)

DFS price are not the sharpest but if they have the model that you after at a good price then go for it. Warranty for DFS is done through DFS themselves. If you buy local (e.g. Camera Warehouse, Bond n Bond, etc..) then warranty is done thru local agent (Canon, Panasonic, etc..)

If you previously had Sony, you'll find easier to use another Sony as all layout, buttons, menu are similar. If you switch brand, you'll have to get used to everything again. Accessories might not fit this new purchase, especially a old W-series (which I also had), that use a standard size MemoryStick as oppose to the current generation Sony that use the smalled Duo cards.

I don't see much point of having memory card bigger than 2GB (which store over 1000 pix), as one should transfer and backup regularly in case the camera is lost/stolen/damaged. Also, you don't need 12+ megapixel unless you print anything A2 (4x A4 equiv.) or bigger.

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normal AA's are useless i agree but get a decent set of rechargables and they're fine. have you been using normal energizer throwaways or proper lithium camera batteries?

I've used both in the camera.

Also been using rechargable 2500 & 3000 mAh.

I do know i need to replace the rechargables now (new when i got them) as they arn't holding a charge anymore.

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My sister just bought this


Seems like a mint camera, and its got tons of features like the screen on the outside plays cartoons so that children simile for the camera! They got it from d*ck Smith for $499 including a 4gb and case.

And I got this for my travels next year - http://pricespy.co.nz/product.php?p=394420

its a mint camera, its got a great feel to it and takes amazing photos, I know these might be out of your price range but just thought I'd tell you my experiences with cameras in the last couple of weeks.

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