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$1 Reserve 730i

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I believe thats Jerry Clayton Motor Group in Singapore thats bring that car,

my dad got his S80 T6 from Jerry in Singapore

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  antil33t said:

Someone might be getting a good deal... It's not imported though?

Not yet imported, still in S'pore.

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I would do this for say 1000$ worth max but nothing more. You have to pay first and once you have who's to say they wont disappear with your money? Its not hard for them to do and theres jack you can do to protect yourself if you agree to pay in front before receiving the car.

Hate to be the morbid one but it happens on ebay alot.

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  323e30 said:

I would do this for say 1000$ worth max but nothing more. You have to pay first and once you have who's to say they wont disappear with your money? Its not hard for them to do and theres jack you can do to protect yourself if you agree to pay in front before receiving the car.

Hate to be the morbid one but it happens on ebay alot.

Hell yeah

Had same happen to me when I lived in Auckland.

Guy was shipping in American stuff. I paid up front for the car and shipping, didn't get what I paid for.

Last I heard the guy was living in Philippines hiding from an American Swat Team Member he ripped off.

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  sp8s said:


Last I heard the guy was living in Philippines hiding from an American Swat Team Member he ripped off.

lmao, karma's a bitch sometimes isn't it!

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