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Can someone in Tauranga do me a favour?

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Hi, didnt know where to post this, so chose general discussion.

Is there any chance someone in Tauranga could have a good look at an e30 325i for me? I'm quite keen and it seems tidy, but dont want to buy it unseen!

PM me if you can help,



Edited by sascha

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If its the white one with low ks @ 2500 def get it checked out first-something doesnt add up lol.

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Yup, thats the one! yeah, seems too cheap, def dont want to buy without checking it out!

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Yeah low ks but had rust work & replacing all 4 drs-mmm?Interiors been swapped out but looks like an SA.

Never know tho could be one of those sleeping deals lol

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according to car jam it hasn't moved for 4 years haha. Be careful.

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