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Hi Y'all.

quick story..

My daughter who occasionally apears on here as Bite My Wire.. nice e30..

She's now assistant manager at supercheap rockingham Perth WA

K' so her friend gets ajob there. The friend who got caught driving my girls car a year ago and got it impounded...

So she 'borows Adele's keys outa her bag & goes for a drive.

The Police rock up.. "cum out to the car park, where's your car" OMG where's my car..?

Girl had borrowed it, accidentally run somebody over...

It's her third offence, so if adele had lent her her car, which she would;'t... straight to the crusher!

As it is she had no hesitation laying charges, faced with the option of having your precious car crushed for something someone else did...

what else could you do. think she's looking for new friends!

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Unbelievable. If anybody did that to my car they'd be facing more than charges.

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Yep, I think she needs a new friend. If a mate stole my keys and too my rig for a joy ride words would be had, blood would be drawn and police would be involved & if something like that happened I just don't know what I'd do. To be straight up, I think the girl is a fkn clown, is she hot though? I mean, what kind of person would actually do that to someone?

It's a criminal act.

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Haha, your daughter is friends of a friend on facepage.

I saw a simular status update and dejavu'd

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