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Cellphone upgrade!

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Anyway, it is a 3 way phone OS race now (especially for developers). iOS, Android or WP7.

Why is WP7 getting the spotlight now when all the past Windows mobile OS failed (pretty much)?

Where does Blackberry sit amongst all this or are they irrelevant? At around 15% smartphone market share, surely that should mean something?

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Why is WP7 getting the spotlight now when all the past Windows mobile OS failed (pretty much)?

Where does Blackberry sit amongst all this or are they irrelevant? At around 15% smartphone market share, surely that should mean something?

Because it is nothing like the crap the previous versions were. The interface is actually new and fresh, easy to use, and doesn't have the traditional start menu you would expect microsoft to ram down our necks.

Plus, nokia are going to ship millions of them, so good for developers to support.

Blackberry is over. People want more than phone and email...and rim haven't got a decent sdk for developers, well not compared to Apple and Microsoft anyway. When you don't adapt, you die, especially when you are up against adaptors like apple and ms.

I know lots of companies dropping blackberry and allowing iOS, android and wp7...

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