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E30 White Face Dial Kits

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Has anyone brought any of the white face dial kits from Ebay at all? The lights on my '90 325 are rather poor and wouldn't mind a change in colour as well from the faded red/orange :P .

Ebay Link

Any thoughts / experiences on these and other possible items would be helpful.

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i never brought them, they came with the first e30 i brought so dont know if they are the same ones or not.

but they are awesome mine have a dimmer and 2 different shades of blue to select.

only bad thing is one of the wires has pulled out of the circuit board in he controller so i now on get 1 color choice.

they look great though have removed them and reinstalled in every dash ive replaced and being an e30 ive done that alot

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Sorry, but no. I would not buy a car ever if the guages were BLUE.

Blue is the most paiiinful colour on the eyes ever.

just replace the stock bulbs, you'll find they work alot better.

and sometimes the dimmers sh*t themselves.

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