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Kool Ebay ad - God's 2008 M3, in tweaked form. :-)

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You see the ads on reTardMe, with wannabes & tryhards trying to ditch boganised sacks of junk with big spoilers etc, that wouldn't have enough power to pull Grandma off Grandad even with a tail-wing - heres a guy that knows how to write an ad........ ;):)

It's well worth the read IMO........

Heres full link.........http://www.ebay.com/itm/161167272464

This isn't your normal BMW. This mammajamma is the BMW God would drive if he wasn't busy doing God stuff like making universes and crap. In need of the prow to seduce the lady of your dreams? Wanna stick it to the man from a few inches off the ground? If the latter's the case (and it most likely is) then this kickin' car is for you. I bought this car last year and immediately grew a mustache upon taking it for a spin. This car WILL turn you into a man (or woman depending upon the buyer). At the very least you'll be transformed into something, maybe a unicorn (that'd be badass). It's set up to go fast, and go fast sideways. Who doesn't like to get sideway?! Terrorists, that's who. Are you a terrorist? No? Then you need this car. Handling? This car handles like a junior executive CEO. Go around corners like the devil himself is chasing you, and not give a damn! What's that? You like killing it in the twisties? Well I've got some great god dang news for you! This car was built to destroy mountain runs faster than Rosie O'Donell destroys a box of twinkies! It literally oozes testosterone. So much so that its puddling up in the back. Seats? This monster has got 4! One for you, and 3 for the hot @ss chicks that'r gonna be all upon on your business after you buy this car. You're a girl? It works both ways. One seat for you, and 3 seats for those hot @ss dudes you've been trying to hook up with for weeks. sh*ts getting serious! Factory equipped bad ass sound and AC! Fortunately this car has BOTH! Too bad The only noises you're gunna be hearing is the ultra manly engine noises coming from this sweet supercharged, intercooled, 4.0 V8! It's a damn symphony of apocalyptic mechanical death metal! This car has got 1.5 metric f*ck tons of awesome parts. ESS Tuning, AR Design, KW Variants, Volk TE37's, Vorsteiner, Challenge. . .. . .. the list doesn't freaking END! It just keeps going and going, like the energizer bunny on meth! This car has the God inspired 7spd DCT. . . THAT'S RIGHT 7 DAMN GEARS! All capable of causing instant death upon acceleration! What's that. . . You like going fast? Ever tried to outrun 24 police cars, a pack of cyborg cheetahs and 3 helicopters? You need this car. It will go so damn fast that you may very well go back in time. It happened to me once. Just once, but it was freakin' amazing! Its like someone took a rocket and opened its mouth and poured steroids down its throat and and threatened to kill its family if it wasn't the fastest mechanical machine you've ever driven. I get it. You're busy, I'm busy, let's not waste time. If you're interested send me a message and I'll get back to you ASAP. You send me a message, I send you one right back. Thats how this works. As a Bonus, I'll throw in my friendship to sweeten the deal. You (the new owner of this bad ass M3) will call me Matty Macro! I (Matty Macro) will sit shotgun regaling you with tales of manly exploits as we sing songs, navigate the treacherous waters of the Tigris, and climb the stony Caucasus mountain pass.

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