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Adam Richards won, falconer was knocked out in the last round I think.

Edited by E30stz

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Fark me it was warm down there. Not a bad day down there, always love watching the D1 and the crowd...

I had to leave early too. I have to stripes of sunburn from where I sunblocked with a T on and then wore a singlet... :banghead:

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Yeah it was an awesome day - I have a hell sunburn from it, and white patches where the sunglasses blocked the sun. sh*t happens I guess.

Was rather disappointed at the biased judges though, my mate Richie in vhelll did the best he has ever done at Pukekohe and should have qualified in the top 16 but it seems the judges were looking for cars that had Drift Corp or WSR on the side (Nothing against them, but it shouldnt be who you are or what you drive, more how you handle the car and speed, angle and that sort of thing.)

Same again when Dana Jury was knocked out of the top 16 by the D1 Cop - Dana had a flawless chase, was right up drift pigs ass and his lead was mint too - the Laurel didnt do half as well... The D1 pig didnt do all that well in the top 8, and the place should have been more faily awarded to Dana, who might have gone on to do something with the oppotunity, but I suppose they couldnt let anyone other than Sean Falconer or Adam Richards win on the day right?

I think that if D1NZ is to move to the next level and become professional, they need independent judges, rather than people who see/hang out with the competitors on a weekly basis. I mean who would you give points to - a mate who you know or some one you dont know from a bar of saop....

My 2 c.

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