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Trivium - The Crusade

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Anyone into Trivium?

My long arse wait for the new album has come to an end and I went and got a copy.Woah so much more badass than Ascendency and some songs sound kinda similar to the Demo Cd.

Kinda like a mix of 80's Metallica,St Anger Metallica,Older Motorhead and filled in with a whole heapa unique shiz that is distinctivly Trivium...Even got a heavy instrumental,almost in the same sense as Orion by Metallica..

So stoked with it.

Highly recommended

Buy it!!

Edited by blackbma

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BDO gonna be badass.

Tool,Trivium,Sinate,Blindspott + DUB!! FTW

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Not really such a fan of the more.. popular.. music of that genre.

But Trivium are talented.

Seeing Carpathian w/ Antagonist etc in Hamilton tommorow night.


And seeing Bring Me The Horizon next year.


Edited by 318isCoupe

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Avenged Sevenfold lean towards the pop side of things for me personally, good band though, played an awesome live gig.

If you get the chance, see Auckland band "In Dread Response". I'm good friends with the vocalist (also plays guitar for Cold by Winter) and they're awesome to watch.. somewhere between doom metal and glam rock haha.

Other good bands coming over soon... I Killed The Prom Queen. from Australia.


And a band I saw live last December that absolutely blew me away, Parkway Drive.


Don't really have a whole lot to do with the more metal bands, I'm more of a Hardcore and Metalcore fan myself, although as a guitarist mainly the latter as Hardcore gets a bit repetitive to play.

Actually thats a lie, I listen to everything from Classical to Funeral Doom and about a bazillion genre's in between. You're just as likely to find me listening to Leonard Cohen or Uriah Heep as you are to find me listening to Most Precious Blood or Job for a Cowboy.

Edited by 318isCoupe

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That song your brother can play is " A gunshot to the head of trepidation "

Heavy metal is more fun to drum.My brother seems to think its more fun to play on gat too.Double bass and ride triplets mean no need to work out bahaha

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That song your brother can play is " A gunshot to the head of trepidation "

Heavy metal is more fun to drum.My brother seems to think its more fun to play on gat too.Double bass and ride triplets mean no need to work out bahaha

yeah thats the one son!

definantly a good song.

and yeah i agree with ax7 leaning to the side of pop...but in ways its a good thing, more people will be able to accept them and enjoy the music as much as i do hehe. city of evil is an awesome album

T. has a similar sound to atreyu and bullet for my valentine - ncie lead guitaring, heavy vocals in verses, chorus are usually melodic.. anyone listen 2 them?

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Listen to Bullet For My Valentine, used to listen to Atreyu but they don't have enough of an original twist for my tastes really. Still quite impressed with Bring Me The Horizon.. almost can't play the solo in "Medusa"

Other recommendations would be Shadow's Fall and Zao.

Guitarwork? Dragonforce pretty much the win there.. shame about the other aspects of the band being less original, the drummer is pretty kickass though. You'll get sick of them after 2-3 songs as its quite repetitive.

As I Lay Dying is also a pretty safe recommendation to make for fans of Atreyu/Bullet For My Valentine etc.

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Bahaha good old dragon force.

Herman Lee (li?) has got to be the most cocky guitarist ever...other than John Pertucci from Dream Theater.

Anyone else seen Sinate play at The Kings Arms before?My dad does all the beer lines for 90% of the Auckland bars and Sam Shepperd the drummer signed some sticks for me...STOOOKED!

Bullet for my valentine is a tad pop/emo for me.

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Yeh I've seen Sinate play before. Bullet For My Valentine is still a bit pop, but definately check out JFAC... one of my favourite bands right now.

Herman Li is fairly good, He's got some unique techniques and a pretty unique sound (apparently He's influenced greatly by 80's video game music.. which you can hear) but I get sick of Dragonforce within a couple of songs.

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Yeh he plays a lot of gay sh*t though,eg go on youtube and search dragonforce something...he plays super mario music...which is cool.but very gay.

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hahaha ive seen that super mario thing. asian dude going hard core??

so thats the guitarist from dragonforce?

Reaaaaally long straight hair? playing an insanely thin Ibanez? most probably!

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Yeh thatd be him.

Wanker if you ask me.haha.kinda like Michael Angelo Battio...great guitarist,wanker none-the-less.

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WOW, didn't expect to see people talking about parkway drive and antagonist on here! I saw parkway drive play in hamilton, then when i found out they were playing at the gold coast BDO, i knew i had to be there. Was INSANE.

And antagonist are a truely awesome band. Shame Warpath broke up tho because Ross became to much of a rockstar with antagonist.

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Friggen Aye!

Warpath are amazing!

Parkway Drive again in Auckland on the 2nd, Hamilton on the 4th.

I Killed The Prom Queen will be over next year.

I was at that Parkway Drive show last december in Hamilton!

Best show of 06': Most Precious Blood at Upsett Records.

Did you go to the last Appreciate show? I'm friends with all the Appreciate/Brick vs Face/Dead Hero boys.

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Friggen Aye!

Warpath are amazing!

Parkway Drive again in Auckland on the 2nd, Hamilton on the 4th.

I Killed The Prom Queen will be over next year.

I was at that Parkway Drive show last december in Hamilton!

Best show of 06': Most Precious Blood at Upsett Records.

Did you go to the last Appreciate show? I'm friends with all the Appreciate/Brick vs Face/Dead Hero boys.

Was planning to go, but never got round to it.

I really got into the hardcore scene, was good mates with Warpath guys, knew Marc from evil preist well enough, then sorta, lost interest in it, got back into skating and working on my car.

Tis a shame im not in hamilton on the 4th.

I purchused the antagonist cd today for a friend for xmas, and damn is it good! (not that i would do something so rude as listen to a cd I have purchused for someone :rolleyes:

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Yeh they're a pretty tight band, I've got their album too.

Been a few decent bands over to NZ in the last 2 years, especially this year..

I don't have as much to do with it anymore either, I drink too much and don't want to shave my head to fit in with the Tauranga crew anymore haha.

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Yeh they're a pretty tight band, I've got their album too.

Been a few decent bands over to NZ in the last 2 years, especially this year..

I don't have as much to do with it anymore either, I drink too much and don't want to shave my head to fit in with the Tauranga crew anymore haha.

U also have a BMW now boy no heavy metal :P

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U also have a BMW now boy no heavy metal :P

Yeh I know, I've been on a strict diet of Wham!, The Village People and Abba ever since buying an auto 318iS...

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