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Posts posted by oscar90

  1. Just wanted to get peoples view on this;

    I get trademe emails all the time for putting my cellphone number on my listings, i think its fair so people can contact me, and i like to be able to contact people outside of trademe also, even though obviously they disagree with my point of view and its against their rules

    I think they should spend all day looking for the scams and keyword nutters(millions of keyword with no relivance) rather than always removing peoples numbers on afew little auctions,

    just my point of view :rolleyes:

    whats everyone else think??

    cheers Andrew

    (end wee rant)

  2. Well, we need 1 more to get a bit of a discount (which will probably cover the shipping costs to everyone homes).

    Has anyone done a "mass" shipment like this before?

    I think ricstarr is right, if one of us is to buy 10+ units it will cost over 1.5k... (well over the $400 customs mark) and hence we will get charged for each one >.<.

    Unless someone can think of a way around it, seems like it's still not looking worth it...

    Will leave thread running for another week, if we can't find a solution I will probably just order a set directly from site.

    I can still get 3 sets (not umnitza) for $140 each if someone is looking for a cheaper option that has been tried and tested.

    getting in early, ill grab a set of those if this group buy doesnt go ahead :D


  3. as the title suggests im after some replacement bonnet struts as mine are clapped out, un repairable by the looks

    How much are these second hand generally?

    also i was looking in the car dealer and saw a BMW wrecker advertising, from memory on Blenheim Road, can anyone confirm this? (Im in CHCH by the way sorry!)

    not in a huge rush...peice of wood will fix it as a temp. measure :rolleyes:

    Cheers HT

  4. i Brought [DVOUS] off Trademe for $350 awhile ago...cant be bothered trying to get rid of it and its not going on my 320i because theres nothing devious about the car so its still un-manuafactured LOL wouldnt buy another plate like it

    Damn impulse Trademe buys

    What they want for them brand new is just as criminal as petrol prices!!...

  5. thanks for the reply,

    does anybody do chips to cope with low boost say around 8psi? here or overseas

    to make it work what else would be needed?

    its got me thinking but lack of money and petrol prices and still being a school student are reality checks Haha :(

    What sort of budget have people delt with to turbo their engines if anyone on here has done it, just out of interest??

  6. Was browsing everything under BMW as ya do, and saw this, had a look and the seller reckons you don't need to change the ECU/engine management :huh: , I was under the impression that if you turbo'd BMW's and most cars you would need to chip them or go for a LINK or similar product because the factory item isin't made to deal with Boost etc.

    also read somewhere,most likely on here, that alot of the manifolds around wont fit RHD cars


    so whats the deal would that work with a simple chip from somewhere? or has he just brought an EBAY kit and put it on trademe? :unsure:

    this has probaly been covered before so just shoot me the link and tell me to shut up if so! lol

    cheers Andrew :D

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