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Posts posted by martyyn

  1. I failed sixth form miserably, but then I was only 15! Failed 7th just as badly which was no surprise and left not knowing what to do. Meet my 'wife to be' on my last day of school and as she was going to do law I signed up for a few uni courses (whatever I could get in to) on the first day and failed all of that aswell!

    Gave up at the end of that year, got a job and just worked while she did the law degree. Once finished she looked at me and said 'what are you going to do now?' and so I went back and did a BSc in Comp Sci as a mature student of 23.

    Failing at school made it very hard to get into Comp Sci (I was initially refused entry) but I was several years wiser and actually wanted to learn. I had no idea about how to program or anything and it was hard but a great couple of years and its meant I can (and have) worked all over the world for good money.

    Looking back, Im surprised more people arent encouraged to take a break. If you have no idea what to do, and lets face it thats 90% of 17 year olds, have a year or two off and get into the real world for a bit.

    So I say give 7th form a go. You may not want to do university now or in another year but finishing school will make it alot easier for you should you want to go back in the future. See if you can use this year to get an idea of what you might be interested in, or what your natural skills are and go from there.

    If you have any teachers you can relate too, have a chat with them. I assume you'll stay at the same school and no-one is going to know more about what its like than them.

  2. Make an offer....but no time wasters please

    Unless you put up a price your wasting everyone elses time mate.

    Im not being funny.....how many daft offers do we need on this thread because you get pi$$ed off and just stick them on TM ?

    [e] oh and do us a favour and resize the photos, 800x600 is plenty big enough for people to get the idea. Thanks

  3. I can understand about the baby coming part, but to me it's not a good enough reason to not get a coupe. I guess as long as you can get a baby seat in the back and a stroler (sp?) in the boot, there's plenty of space for a couple + baby in a coupe. Both my wife and I reckon a coupe is safer for a baby as he/she can't get anywhere or have any button/door handle to play with. When they can walk and climb, the coupe would be their jungle gym when getting in and out (which I believe they will love). So there.

    FYI, I have a E46 coupe and looking at having a baby. Both my wife and I agreed that we are NOT looking at changing cars for the baby. I've seen couple go out in a 3-door VW Golf GTi hatchback with stroller, babyseat and week's supermarket shopping without problem.

    I seriously doubt it has anything to do with the space.....have you ever tried to get a baby in and out of a car seat in the back of a coupe ?!?!

    Id give you a week before you realise how awkward it is and get a four door !

    Boot space really depends on the buggy you buy too. Our one in the UK folded away to nothing but the mountain buggies you get over here dont fold down at all, they are massive and a real problem for smaller cars.

  4. This thread has so much win.

    1. I fancy one of those knobs myself, thanks for the link Nick.

    2. We may end up with lots of e30's with dished weaves but mine are genuine and because Im a snob, I win ;P

    3. Nathan, I spoke to a bloke some time ago who was going to do Alpina stripes for e30's. Your colour would look t!ts with gold stripes and I think he ended up selling them under $100. Ill see if I can dig out his details if you want.

    4. Good work on the tyre (well done Kerry) and we need new photos, I reckon a 20 mm drop on the rear would look the business but take them on the flat and not your driveway !

  5. I havent bought a cd for years. I just got fed up with paying a fortune and having it sit in a box in the garage after Id ripped it. All my music is digital, sits on my server and is wirelessly available anywhere in the house.

    If there was a decent mobile data plan I could stream it all to an iphone and not even need an ipod.

    Only thing I dont have is anything in the e30 to play it with. Mine has a NZ stereo and it has a button for CD/AUX which Im wondering whether it can be hooked into an ipod or not :ph34r:

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