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About MR_E

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  1. Thanks for opinion I still think mine is from Sytner and I hear what you are saying Hence the $3500 reserve (which I think is a fair start point) but it is as close as you will get for under 10grand.....
  2. My Name is Craig and its my car on trade me It seems to have caused quite a stir amongst the forums here... I have owned this car for a few years now and have loved driving it every day it looks a bit sad because I haven't even cleaned it. I brought it with plans to do the restore but never had the cash/time. Stills drive beautifully had regular service from Cooke Howlinson BMW in Dunedin. I never really wanted to sell it but It has got to go need the cash for other things. The Typo (2949) is a genuine mistake as i never wanted to deceive anyone about its cc rating. I also know that it is not the real 2.7 Alpina from the Alpina factory in Germany but a modded one from Sytner in England, hence the low reserve if it was the real 2.7 deal it would be on for a lot more. Still it is a great car the drives and handles fantastically and would be a great project for a resto or just to drive. If you have any ques just let me know.
  3. MR_E

    O2 sensor

    Thanks CaM point taken I am not really going to get one fitted car runs great and.... if it aint broke dont fix it I guess what i am really asking is what are the differences between my C 2.5 Alpina and standard BMW's have been looking on the net but can really find anything Any Help Cheers
  4. MR_E

    O2 sensor

    Thanks for the info can this affect the tuning at all? and what about if i want to replace the chip? etc Thanks
  5. MR_E

    O2 sensor

    this is great... but why would you want to?
  6. MR_E

    O2 sensor

    Hey all I have a 89 Alpina C2.5 and it doesn't have a O2 sensor can any one shed some light on why. I have no problems with starting and it never misses a beat...... all very strange Thanks
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