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About Bartman

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  1. Hi give me a call may have one for you 021877941
  2. Looking for rear back seat, botton part, in black leather for E30 Will look at other leather colours which I can re-dye Worse case I will consider cloth, condition not important text 021877941
  3. Looking for rear black leather back seat for 2door Only need the botton part, as have 4door type in my 2door car cheers
  4. How much for the on board computer and wiring? Cheers
  5. Looking for a set of 16'' Alpina or AC Schnitzer rims. Need to fit E30 4 stud patten If you can help just give me a call 02187794
  6. Bartman

    FS: headers

    Hi Gus still for sale?
  7. Just replace it with a mint dash, it's only a good days works and really not that hard to do, results is great. Rep
  8. Hi how much for the boot spoiler, will take if the price is right!
  9. Bartman

    Head lights

    Hi, hope the spot lights are still for sale if so i'll take off your hands! cheers
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