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Posts posted by sjanett

  1. you could always, hire hotel room in Auckland, sky tower orbit for dinner (view + food) then get boozed in town the crash at hotel..? if you want to got all out, sky tower has pampering packages... personally couldn't be arsed with to much... if shes still spending time with you after one year... then you don't need to go out and spend the big $$ its pretty much game over, you've already won here over lol

  2. Haha thought about that, but i think he’s still got a fair bit of working life in him lol, so that could be a while, plus im not so much going into signage, more t-shirts and a few other ideas that have been presented to me.

    I am looking at doing my little venture on the side of my currant job, to have a bit of fun and bring in some extra money, but i know where your coming from when you say "We don't need anymore sign companies in Auckland right now, lol!" the old mans always talking about new companies and what’s going on.

  3. On that note, there's free raster-vector conversion software on the web if you need it.

    Oh :lol: whats that program called it may come in hand if i do buy it.

    Cheers bellicose, as far as i know they these models accept the common brand Roland cutter blades. I can get those for a reasonable price. I will more likely buy a bulk load just incase too.

  4. Yeah i looked into that. my fathers a Signwriter, but rather then go through him, i am starting up my own venture.

    Ha ha, using a scrolling blade and razor blade might take too long with some of the things i would like to cut out Glenn.

  5. Hi all, im looking at buying a vinyl cutter for some small jobs, without having to paying a huge price for one of the big machines.

    Has anyone used/ bought one of these models that are selling on trademe? they are the size i am after.


    Thoughts anyone? :)

  6. I put some Kings Super lows in the front, they were good for a while, then they settled so much after a few months that it bearly scraped through a wof. So i took them out (sitting in a gaurage) and bought some H&R lows, these site a what i think are the perfect height! no scraping under the car, and no play around the shocks. And no doubting when you go to get a wof.

    I think the diff was Superlows 45-50mm and lows 35-40mm drop. Ive seen them stated slightly differant between brands.

  7. The same thing happened to me, i was driving in a company car, and was doing some inspections along a road (traveling about 10km/h Max) then 2 weeks later i received a hand written fine in the post for driving in the excess of 89km/h in a 50 zone.

    Not enough to loose your license, and not enough for him to get off his arse to pull me over.The fine was full of errors, but any how after disputing it and lawyer fees over $2500, the police turned around and said any minor discrepancies do not substitute the fine as being waved, then they sent out a amended fine in the mail, with a extended payment time.

    So again i kept pushing. Lawyer fees now $3000. and went to court.

    It appears that the police have the right under i think it was section 21 of the proceedings act, the police can amend any fine at any stage until it is correct.

    Also after having them up about sending the fine in the post, they said, they can in fact send it the post legally, as on the fine itself, next to the date payable at the bottom, it has a small section, where the officer circles how the fine was presented to you. one of those being (posted)

    Lesson learned, don't bother fighting, they will just get their way anyhow, and ya end up wasting lost of $.

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