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About chris.haskett

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    1st Gear
  1. Hey While cruising the net looking for my options to repair my E36 325i I stumbled across this site. Anyone able to offer any assistance would be much appretiated! The Problem: My mechanic tells me I need to get a head gasket job done, but seems to sound like a pretty expensive operation but its hard to say how expensive until the engine is opened up. He seemed to think budget a couple of grand, but also warned it could be heading up to 8k depending on what they find inside. What I'm wondering is how much more its worth spending on repairs, although everything else in the car is in pretty tip top shape! Rather than trying to fix all the little bits and pieces I'm wondering if its cheaper just to pick up another whole 325i engine and transplant, or maybe a 320/325 engine and just pinch the head (is this possible??). I'm no where near capable enough (or have the tools) to do this myself. Anyone recommend a place that might be able to help, or advise my best options? I'd almost be happy if I get away with being sure it would cost $3k rather than risking it costing betweem 1-8k. Anyone with knowledge or experience please help! THANKS Chris. Oh, and below the story of how I got here... The story: A couple of weeks ago my temp gauge hit the warning light, pulled over immediately waited for it to cool and took it to my mechanic (only a few hundred metres away, the only thing that has gone well this whole time!). Anywho, the thermastate had died, and no coolant was going through the engine. Anywho, all fixed things seemed to be fine. Recommended I top up coolant with water a couple of days later, which I did it took more than I expected (maybe 1l). A few days later, the check coolant level warning light is on, I figure maybe the computer needs to be reset and pressure is good. The engine then overheats a second time, and I pull over straight away. Manage to top up the engine with probably 1.5l's of water, and im thinking oh crap here we go. I get to the mechanic the next chance I get, and sure enough the coolant is leaking in to one of the cylinders (or more). So coolant is decreasing, and can pick up exhaust fumes in the radiator. I also managed to cook the original starter motor after the cylinder must have been full and the engine couldn't turn over.
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