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Posts posted by m_power

  1. A mate of mine has just been told the reason his moped wont start is because the muffler is blocked and thats its 550 for a new muffler !

    I have no real idea, but wouldnt it only be blocked by carbon deposits ? He only rides it for 5 mins to and from work and perhaps the muffler doesnt get hot enough to burn the carbon off fully.

    Does anyone know if there is something to clean them out, or have a better idea of what might be causing it ?

    What type of scooter is it? i have a vespa 50s and i imported a performance muffer for it and it only ended up costing mne around $300...550 is way over the top.

  2. hi guys,

    Sorry for all these anoying topics that i keep bring up...much thanks for you opinions,

    I have a 316 and i was woundering how much trouble there is in putting a 2.5 L enigne and manual gearbox in? and would it be cheaper than buying a manual 325...i am asking this as my 316 is absoulty mint and it would be a shame to see it go...


  3. If you want a car to actually learn something from, get a 318 E30. Do your own servicing and repairs, very easy engine to work on, lots of room in the engine bay. Can look real nice when done up, plenty of go for a 15 year old, and a good start to go on from.

    ...i have my learners now and got a bmw e30 316, but it has not got the power on the motor ways when i need to pass, and i was thinking of upgrading in 6 or so months...and i definitaly wouldnt be to noob to buy a 325...haha...

  4. ok, so lets say your 15 and have your restricted, you want a used bmw, what do you buy? possible options i thought of are: 325 e30, 325 e36, 2002, 525 e28...what do you think would be the best bmw that has power, is safe, comfortable and reliable? thoughts please....thanks

  5. I have an E36 318iS and have driven an E36 318i Sedan, 320i Coupes, 323i Vanos Convertible and 328i Vanos Coupe.

    The 328 will actually push you into your seat off the line. I can only compare it to the feeling of driving a 2L turbo when you hit boost.

    The 323 doesn't really get moving until you're above 3500-4000rpm.

    The 320 had crappy response and didn't feel like it had any guts at all, probably a little quicker off the line than a 318iS, But not by much. And the 318iS will catch it by the time you've got to 30k. The Vanos one didn't do a whole lot better.

    The 318i Sedan was more responsive than the 320 Coupe and FELT faster, although it wasn't.

    The 318iS feels like driving something sporty. Which I didn't feel in anything other than the 328i, it has good throttle response, feels lighter and more nimble, doesn't really move until you're above 40k/4500rpm but once its there it goes alright.

    My choice between an E36 320i and a 318i would be the 320.

    But I'd pick a 318iS with a handful of m-sport options and decent brakes and suspension anyday. The M-Sport suspension option is pretty decent, sits nice and flat through the corners and has about a 30mm drop over standard. I'd pick the 1.8l M42 over the later 1.9L M44 also.

    There's a few around on trademe for around the 10k mark with around 100,000km. Even a couple of manual ones about.

    Thats just my opinion.

    If I could have a 328 coupe that looked and handled like my 318iS, I'd get it in an instant. felt so nice to drive. The one I drove had brembo's and 18" bbs wheels and an m3 bumper etc.

    Guess I needa drive an M3..

    yeh sounds like the 328 would be the car for me-or 325...just means i will be saving for longer, would love a manual 328 but way to much for me...haha

  6. OH man ur a crack up G LOL !!...

    a 325i consums just about the same as a 320i.. but has more horsepower.. 40 more horsepower to be exact...

    just dont leave your lead foot planted on the gas pedal too long haha

    yeh my foot is made of lead...haha...but i still like having power there when u need it...(phia roads)...but being stuck with a 316 i surpose my foot is always planted

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