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About slowe30

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 11/02/1993

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  • Location
    Auckland, North Shore
  • Car
    e30 m52b28
  • Mods List
    oh there is an m52b28 under the hood tho. done by yours truly, with some other bits here and there
  • Car 2
    E36 328i daily driver

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  1. slowe30

    e30 m52 build

    the limiter isn't my concern, its all the other noises the engine makes when its running. mainly the constant tick from the top end, the lousy vanos operation, and the fact that oil pressure takes its time to build on start up. either way its getting a new engine soon, one the I have driven for the last 40k myself so know its a good engine. EDIT: I also renamed it yesterday, its now 328BMR, to try give people a little hint.
  2. Sorry should have mentioned, it is a sedan. So yes leather interior will fit sedans. Will get photos of items this weekend and start dissasembly when I get a few afternoons free in a row. Is there anyone interested in the shell? Once stripped will only have a few days for it to go, so would prefer to pre organise that. Will be going to car retrieval compony if no offers are made. (They won't pay anything since it won't have engine/driveline/suspension/interior)
  3. slowe30

    e30 m52 build

    Considering it's been in 3 e30s now, with a 7k limiter the whole time, I'm sure she's getting tired. Evan just the abuse I've given it, I'm surprised it's still running. Most likely have missed the brake setup, after the initial engine swap I got quite lasy with the updates on here. Entire system is fairly basic, but very we'll setup according to my certifier. Rx7 series 5 4 pot front calipers, VW corrado front rotors (4 stud version), hub bore milled out 1mm on rotors. Caliper mounting brackets and brake hose adapters brought in from the us. Brake bias is slightly changed, but not much. Standard rear setup. Stainless lines through out. Entire system was freshened up all at once, street/track pads (have to be warmed up slightly to start with, but work great from then on). Haven't had any issues with stopping since install. I think it's fair to say there's a lot of things on this car that arnt mentioned in this thread, maybe one day I'll have another go at this internet thing
  4. slowe30

    e30 m52 build

    Well it's been a long few years, had it green stickered, went through and got everything running how I wanted it, got it certed, promptly lost my licence in it (only lasted 4 days) now I've got it road legal, can drive again, and I'm now daily driving it. So nows the time to finish things off how I really want it. - first will be a 328i factory muffler fitter with the exhaust valve system working correctly, as I daily drive it and feel too old for the loud noise. - then will be fitting the engine out of my old daily driver 328i, it's lower ks and runs well. Will be fitting my cams into that engine. The current engine runs better that it ever has before, but still has a loud tap from the top end, and has signs of a wearing oil pump,and vanos system, and ks are unknown. - then is a full repaint, I have no issue with its rough look, but shiney things are better. - wheels will require attention then, but undecided on a set for the street. Took it to my first BMW meet thingy, shocked most of them, after miss leading them all with the factory 318i badges and proceeding to keep Evan with a e36 m3 on a motorway onramp. I guess that's enough for this update, Evan if it has been a long time coming, I'll leave you with this picture, to let you know what to look out for
  5. Have a NZ new e36 328i auto. Had a few issues pop up recently and have decided it isn't worth fixing, is there enough interest in parts from it. Black leather interior, electric seats, LSD 3.15 ratio, bilstein/Eibach suspension, polybushed rear subframe. Exterior isn't great. Style 68 wheels. If there's enough interest then will strip. Engine is not for sale, have a better use for that.
  6. need a right rear trailing arm, with handbrake components and handbrake line for an e30. fairly urgent if anyone knows anyone with one. prefer Auckland pick up, can get sometime this week.
  7. throw me an offer if your interested, you'll be surprised what ill accept
  8. compete rear subframe and diff from an e30 323i. includes axles brakes the works. 3.46 ratio medium case open diff, working condition. will not separate, have no need for it. condition of sale, must be gone by end of Sunday, can drop off within Auckland for a little extra.
  9. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=650496937 clearing out some stuff, more will be added over the next few days also got manual steering rack to suit e30, 51mm struts, compete e30 323i rear end, subframe, brakes diff (3.46 medium case). quite a bit of other stuff but just the big stuff at this stage. throw some offers at me
  10. slowe30

    e30 m52 build

    well as things usually happen, costs arnt staying where they were planned to be, and I want this car running and road legal. so suspension order has been put off till the later part of next year, depending on how things go. but onto how things are going as it sits. finished off a couple things this morning, then went to try start it for the first time with the obd2 computer and loom, started first pop, currently trying to get the video off my phone to load it up, but the data cable has grown a pair of legs and walked off somewhere. so the zf gearbox out of an m3 is in, another new clutch setup (close to factory one), driveshafts been modified to fit, engine runs. exhaust isn't of yet and is still WAY to loud, over 100db last time I checked it. new clutch was required again as the last one was too aggressive and lead to the gearbox losing second gear and snapping an axle. my idea of destroying the gearbox properly in the garage didn't end well either and it didn't hold the third gear limiter drop I gave it. spun for a bit then was all clutch, second drop did the alxe and finished the clutch. also got a set of American m3 cams for it, but will be going in after the cert has been done to try get it on the road quicker. EDIT.. also might add the axles were then replaced with the larger 325i ones, so hopefully they will take more than the 318i ones I had before
  11. any cam can be run In any of these engines, as long as the cams and cam carriers are matching. I've pmd you
  12. been trying to bring some over for a while, no one will ship over here. will decide by tonight. for a m52 so need some other parts aswell
  13. slowe30

    e30 m52 build

    Small update, sourced a box, modified the driveshaft to suit, fitted box (haven't test fitted the driveshaft yet) tested clutch release and pedal dropped to the floor and shot fluid out of the slave. small issue I reakon, but either way the box has to come out again. my daily driver has been taking up most of my time recently as that has first priority since it gets me to work and back, but hopefully ill push the E30 back into the garage soon to finish up this stage. obd 2 conversion will be done soon (have some parts but not all, I see this as the best way after years of consideration and putting up with its crappy initial running, I kow some people have said other ways but already have some of the parts needed for this way, cheapest solution with best outcome in the end) Then next port of call will be suspension again, will be ordering GC coilovers to suit my shocks rates, top mounts all round and swaybar links, as I have ripped apart a factory one already with the larger sways. can anyone recommend someone to weld the coilover setup in place? or will any highly experienced welder do?? original target due date was October, but budget restrictions make me believe I wont make it. the Xmas break period is the next due date if I don't make that one, but my hopes are high haha hopefully then itll be cert time, one that's complete ill be seeing you all on the track. hopefully more exciting updates in the near future.
  14. Ok so I have the option of two cars, and just want everyones opinion on them. first car, e36 328i factory motorsport coupe (2 door),auto , 165k, jap import (only issue here is the jatco trans) quite tidy, manual seats, interior slighty sagging but will be replaced before decision has to be made, small mark on front bumper, not an issue in my opinion. second car, e36 328i sedan (4 door),auto, NZ new, 240k, very good condition for its millage, engine done about 130k, trans done about 100k, leather interior, electric seats, no sagging interior, brand new (as in still being replaced) rear subframe bushes, new control arm bushes. if anyone wants anymore info, or is interested in one of them let me know (this isn't here to sell one, its to make my mind up) I have to keep one and sell one, will be used purely as a daily driver, both are in known good condition, both are standard and will be staying that way, one will be up for auction in a month or so. Thanks for any opinions.
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