Yes, lots to play with on these cars.
I sorted the Park sensors, seemed to be picking up the tow ball when the sun hit it. Just tweaked the innermost sensors positions slightly and its OK now. However, they don't disable when the trailer is connected. It's LED trailer lights, and they don't flash so at least thats good, unlike a lot I've heard about, even with dealer tow bars fitted!
I love the Porsches (911's) & love to hate the BMW's but have to admit they drive the best for any car in their class & age, like compared to S500 Merc's to the E66 or say Jag, Audi, etc to the E39.
Nothing can beat the feeling of an older 911 when it's driven in anger. Not "nice" but certaining the most exciting car you'll drive of that era.
When I got the E66, bar was fitted later than was arranged, so just hitched up the trailer & off to Taupo. It went really well but the alternator died. Got that sorted (under warranty) down there & it drove home fine, then to Hawkes Bay & back, no problems. Feels like something is just not quite right in the electrics / computer department but can't put my finger on it. Different things all the time but nothing really important. Dealer & Indy both said battery was a bit old and needed replacing. I am hoping thats it and will put in a AGM (?) next week. (& get it registered)