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Everything posted by mons2b

  1. Would the ICV have any affect on compression? If the cylinder head was one of those dodgy nikesal (cant spell it) would the compression be even lower? JW PS any link to ICV cleaning instructions?
  2. Yeah love that package! Prob is pursuading my wife that I need clear corners all round! hehe. Might start with the front and sides and do back later... BTW looks quite fiddly to replace front light covers without breaking any delicate plastic bits eh?
  3. Hello anyone else taken their BMW e39 into the AA for a full test and had the compression readings back? I had a 1997 E39 Japan issue 540i and about three of the cylinders were at 80%. Three others were at about 100% and the last two were in the 90%+ range. About 147,000 on the clock. (Report said satisfactory for age and mileage). What are other peoples AA readings on their BMW V8's?
  4. Yes thanks for that, I have to agree that the Cylon chrome look would make me look like a boy racer try hard. hehe. BMW's stupid price was for just ONE light cover. Nuts.
  5. Hello just rung Christchurch BMW and they quoted me $407 dollars for the clear part of the front lights!! Is that for real? Seem expensive even for BMW. Any supplier that can supply cheaper than that?? Including via internet if anyone knows.. Thanks for any help that anyone can provide.
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