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About Brad

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    1st Gear

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    BMW E 36 M3

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  1. I'm looking at upgrades for E60/E61 LCI angel eyes from the factory yellow to something to match the Xenon colour - basically white instead of yellow. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an option for the LCI models with adaptive headlights. Trade Me and eBay, etc have a lot of upgrades for pre-LCi models and there is a post on here, started by Steveo from February 2015, for pre-LCI, but finding options for LCI models is proving to be a struggle. Does anyone know if you can actually upgrade angel eye bulbs for E60/E61 LCI models? If so, would you mind sending me a link, or pointing me in the direction of a store, cheers.
  2. No worries. Found a link myself.
  3. I have electronic vaders and the backrest wont move up or down on the driver's sear (very annoying). When I press the button I can hear the motor running, but the backrest doesn't budge. I have a spare set of mSport coupe seats and was thinking of cannibalising them to DIY my bung vader, but I have never fixed a seat before and have no idea where to begin or if the mSport seats have the right parts. Has anyone had this problem and fixed it or run across a useful link on this issue? Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers.
  4. Has anyone done this themselves or found somewhere reasonably priced to do this? Apparently the replacement battery should be a BMW AGM, rather than an FLA, and the car then needs to be recoded. Thoughts?
  5. Cheers. Looks like Coventry is the way to go.
  6. I'm also looking for a compliance centre (central Auckland or the North Shore - so Coventry looks like a good option), but am concerned about the requirements around tinted windows. I brought in a car from Japan a few years ago and was told to remove the tints only to see similar cars with the same tints (likely not to be factory) driving around. Are there any compliance centres that take a more pragmatic approach to tints?
  7. Thanks for all the tips. I borrowed a friends motorcycle helmet for a track day at Hampton Downs and it worked well but I think I'll look for a full face auto helmet for myself. I like the idea of being protected from flying debris and an auto helemt seems to make more sense as that is what I'll be using for. Also I'll sort myself out re the pics. Thanks.
  8. Cheers Rich. I'll check out Chicane's store.
  9. Hi all, This is my first post as although I have been a member for a little while I managed to lose may access details, which delayed me jumping into the forum. Anyway, I'm keen to get invovled in some track days and as such I need the obligatory overalls and helmet. I've sorted the overalls but am finding it a bit more difficult with the helmets. I have a friend who uses a motorcycle helmet for auto track days but from my limited research it appears bike helmets do not offer the same impact and fire protection as auto helmets. Ideally I'd like to visit a store to try on and check out what is available. Via the net I've found a place called Chicane Racewear in Auckland. Has anyone dealt with these guys before. Alternatively can anyone suggest a good store to visit in Auckland? Apologies if this is a topic that has been covered before (please point me in the right direction if it has). Cheers.
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