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Everything posted by liquidforce

  1. yeah I do but its not quite pretty yet ha ha. But give it time and hopefully be all done for summer
  2. hey guys I have done a engine conversion to my e30 and wanted to know if anybody else who has done this has got the standard bmw tacho to work? All other parts of the instrument cluster work but am having trouble with the rpm signal. Any help would be awesome. Its a 1986 320i e30 by the way Cheers matty d
  3. Hey I don't realy know what the mtech bumper is worth?
  4. How much u after for Mtech 1 rear bumper? Where bouts do ya live? Cheers Matt
  5. Got my first bema bout 6 months ago as a stock standard 5 speed 320i. Have spent many long nights with my flat m8 scratching our heads to get as far as the car is now. But I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The wallet hasn't suffered too much yet, ha ha. The sr20 turbo has been dyno'd at 252hp with a 500hp fuel pump an a lil more boost. So i'm hoping the car has some potential. Hopefully there is some words of wisdom to finish my car off and get it going. Anyways here are some pics Matt
  6. Hi, I'm really keen on a e30 1986 (pre-facelift) mtech 1 full body kit. Not worried about spoiler. Any info would be great. Thanks Matt
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