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About nze30m3

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 01/04/1977

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    1990 M325i MtechII

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  1. Looking for a Dakkar Yellow E36 M3 Coupe LEather vadars if possible manual 5 speed 3.0l model prefered.
  2. Hi All My 325 needs new floors. its rusted out. does anyone have a stripped chassis that the floors are still good that i can have or buy? i dont know if sedan floors will fit? does anyone know? thanks
  3. hi, will these fit an e30 m3?
  4. hi, do you still have the 325is for sale - 021971219
  5. nze30m3

    E30 325iS

    is this sold? someone please reply...
  6. hi, ive got a 1990 new zealand new m325i mtech 2 - diamond schwarz, 250kms - wanting to sell. seats need doing, dash has crack, small dent in right drivers front fender above wheel and usual stone chips. othrerwise ok. pm me if you interested. Chers
  7. wow very nice... Did you manage to get it registered? if yes how?
  8. spotted that one. kms are a little on the high side. what price do you guys think is value for this car?
  9. looking for a e36 m3, non evo, so 3.0l 5 speed. colour preference - dakar yellow. if anybody has one or knows of one fopr sale, pls contact...
  10. nze30m3

    Any idea?

    thanks heaps glenn fo he imput... Ive planned to do the following anyway, so might do these first and then maybe try and get down to you: 1) will change engine oil and filter and gear box oil 2) going to remove headers to check welds, change gasket and get headers skimmed 3) will change cooling system too. The only mission i have now is where to get elf oil, head studs, nuts, thermostat and bmw cooling fluid this side of xmas? will try Euro italia tomorrow morning... but i think they might be clossed... thanks again for the help....
  11. nze30m3

    Any idea?

    thanks for the response. its a motronic. i initialy thought it was the running on problem, but then its not exactly that... temp guage doesnt go above half way. cooling system was bled - i will be changing cooling fluid and oil this weekend. I also got some new gaskets for the manifold - i plan on removing the headers and checking the exhaust joints aswell as maybe getting the headers mounting plate skimmed as it might be warped slightly... ill post the results if i get it all done.... kids and wife permitting...hehehe
  12. nze30m3

    Any idea?

    Hi guys, Ive asked a few help questions here lately and both have been great... got the right power steering fluid and fixed the brake light thanks to glenn from botany motor worx.... I thought that i should actually fill you guys in on what ive been playing with. I bought a M325i facelift e30 about 5 months ago. slightly cracked head = water in oil = extreamely discounted purchase price. found a replacement engine - m20b25 off an auto with way less kms. Then things sat as work comitments took first place... about 4 weeks ago i started the transplant, which involved preping the new engine, ie clean, paint - n eeds to look the part, if you know what i mean... did the swap - it took longer to get the old one out then to get the new one in - probably mainly because its familiar ground the second time round... complications i had in removing the engine was mainly to do with the ecu plug... it was a laugh cause the berkley manual said remove the plug from the ecu located behind the glove box... glove box on a left hand drive car so under the drivers side on this side of the world.... hehehe well in my defence, its my first time... Also had problems removing outletmanifold - which was an aftermarket job that was welded directly to first mufler so had to cut the pipes just after gearbox. I also installed a short shifter - which reduced the throw heaps. igts a short shifter that has an aluminium housing that replaces the teflon lock of the original, and secures via a c clip underneath. complications afterwards was that the brake light stayed on, landed up being the switch popped out of its fitting due to aircon pipes putting strain on the switch... easy fix. putting the headers and exhaust back on proved to be a mission. I decided to get the guys at pit stop manukau to take care of it, and they custom made a flange system for me so now its removable.... thanks Jared at pitstop. Now i have the following concerns that im hopeing you guys can help me with: 1) i still have a pat pat noise on exceleration - which sounds to me like there might an exhaust leak... im intending on removing the headers and exhaust this weekend, so will inspect thoroughly... Can you guys think of any other causes that i can investigate? 2) there is a flutter sound from the egine which i think is a leaking outlet manifold... i reused the gasket from the engine and suspect that its not sealing correctly. I have ordered replacement gaskets from Euro Italia and hope to receive them tomorrow. so the exhaust and manifold flutter will hopefully be sorted this weekend... Can you guys think of any other causes that i can investigate? 3) the tapids also seem to be a little noisy... bummer that id didnt adjust them before i put the engine in...never mind, this is one job i will have to do soon... If i delayed this one for a while - would it cause damage? 4) the short shifter is nice and short and clicky, but its a strain to get into reverse and 5th or out of... is this causing any damage? the shortshifter is sitting dead centre instead of towards the left side as per normal. is this a problem? 5) there is a sound when in neutral that sounds like a loose spinning bearing... as soon as i put slight preasure on the clutch it gos. My thinking it that its the release bearing. I packed the centre of the bearing as per manual - was there anything else that i needed to do? will this cause any damage? 6) now the item that im most concerned about is a noise / runble i get when i turn the engine off. its like a clatter. his one has got me, as i cant pin point it. its not always present and sometimes slight and sometimes longer and louder... do you guys know what this could be? more info that might help.... I've used $20 oil, just for the first week, so to run through and clean out and plan on changing this weekend - what do you guys use? is this causing the clatter? Ive also got a planned cooling system flush this wekend, and will be using 50/50 antifreeze as per manual. engine temp guage is always a notch to half a notch below midle... fan seems to be working fine. idle is just below 1k. Do i need a tuneup? is the timing perhaps the problem? I think and hope that there is nothing else that might crop up.... touch wood... so guys, this is my story and hopefully you uys can assist.... merry xmas to you all, and safe driving over this crazy season....
  13. thanks grame - i will be in touch
  14. hi anyone. just took my car for a warrant after rebuild... the brake lights are on permanently. does anybode have any ideas? the auto shop closes today so i dont have much time....
  15. is there anyone in south auckland that i can borrow one from? please
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