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Posts posted by richard

  1. 7 minutes ago, huff3r said:

    Oh how I wish that were true. The military are last adopters not first, it's very difficult to replace human thought and adaptability on the battle front. 

    It sure as hell would make my job easier if the military had more automation technology! 

    the jet engine, infra red, satellites, internet, swords, gunpowder, wheel, rockets. All part of killing by war machines. Even aeroplanes were part of it before they commercialized it.

    NZ military with all due respect would be late to the party..

  2. I disagree, its part of the same package/side of the coin. Automation is just the first step to A.I. Take cell phones as a good example , the brick, send and receive calls only. And todays smartphones send and receive, internet capable, txt , can track you,  listen to you  remotely etc..  this technology has only taken 35years with the last 10-12 seeing huge jumps in advanced technology.

    this is what I fear "Singularity" predicted in 2040. 20 years away when most of you will be in your prime.

    And most if not all new technology is used in WAR before you/we get to see it.  




  3. 25 minutes ago, allan said:

    Dig a bit deeper Richard its closer than you think houses built from plans in a factory by machines module style assembled and transported  to the site. Only connecting to services required and final touches all to speed up the process and keep the cost down, personnal comment yeah right can see the price coming down in a pigs eye!

    That's just the start, highrise/apartment blocks are where its at.

  4. that's because 40 years ago they brought in robots to change the automotive industry  , I remember seeing  all the strikes on the news , the British car industry crumbing and being sold off to India. 

    But I digress .

    I use to laugh about there's no way my job would come under threat, but as I get older I see more and more (robotic) things happening, like premade kitchens, bathrooms built in factory's and delivered to site.

    And A.I. is about doing ALL tasks that humans do . There wont be any jobs/use for humans. Or worse, we'll be slaves to the machine. If we an't already.

  5. Yes Jon, its all shits and giggles until you cant pay the bills. Then what will you do.

    I'll be retired in ten years and wont give a f**k:thumbs-up: but our kids still have to do something ,f**ked if he's hanging around my place playing on the Xbox until I'm dead.

  6. I pose this question because A.I. is already here with the tracking of your purchases /looking at your browsing. Google, Amazon, Facebook all use algorithms and post adds on your screens. Most of you know this its been around for awhile. So analysts will go, so will statisticians and salespeople  your no longer need. And at some point computer programmers will be given the chop because your to slow.

    In the building industry, where I work. As much as I think its technical and has many variables it to will be concord by A.I.as well.

    its the small things that creep up on you, your phone, your car.

    when Stephen Hawking says be careful we must sit up and take note.

  7. AHH, I got one of the older style cool/cold smokers it takes 10-12 hours to cook a number 8 and about 15mins to eat. (because we're so hungry ) I didn't butterfly it, I'll try that next time.

     I normally just use it to smoke fish.

  8. well the diffs in place now and I've dropped it 15mm using the coil overs( can see FA difference) which is about as far as I want to go for now. Too many changes and ill get lost with settings.

    I'm toying with the idea of using the old tyres for one more meet before I fit the new ones.

    pics for reference




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