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About Matthew

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 08/29/1989

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  • Interests
    Freestyle Skiing , Rugby , Tui , Partying , Bmw e30 and my college Sacred Heart

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  • Car
    94' e36 320i
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    AUTOMATIC!! 19" Dished Alloys, 100ml springs etc etc etc

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  1. Thats insane, don't like the head lights at all. What about this customised Merc http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-148409202.htm Made me lough But if he loves it good on him.
  2. Maby they should look closer
  3. haha that is tru class, Big ups boy. You made me fliping cahnge my springs around, oh well. Good joke dude!
  4. Hey all, well you could say i dropped my balls today, as i got my springs changed around to standard! Not to keen on a pinky. So what next. Second hand adjusties - Good idea for a budget or best to wait and save up for new ones? And i know they dont go lower than 75mm but i herd you can change that to 90ml with shorting the shocks? Yes i have learned from my fellow slabs, and have grown up haha! Sorry if this Post has been up before just want to get straight answers. Cheeerrr
  5. ahh thats a stinger!! 2 in one day, sh*t well im not going to drive till mines certed now.
  6. go for the e36 wagon! Will look Sick! And be all good for your job. Hmm can i have your rear springs? I have an idea to make the guys on here like me haha. CHEER BOI
  7. yeah they the ones that know it all didnt i say that to you the other day, cheer boi we will hook up a time to do the fronts and get some bump stops eh?
  8. ahh lacks, oh well gues il just get the cert, i got a bite on them springs bro, with 170 so il take it but i still have those super super low ones in the front which i dont want.... Ohh and was he a traffic cop
  9. yeah i think it does aye, have to ring up. I went to vtnz. oh yeah im just sussing my way into some d2s now as i got some extra cash from my scollaship found some for 500 which rather happy with. and get my self into that black leather which i just found on tm, think it was the one you talked about. But bro you must not be sticking with the 60ml for long
  10. ahh the mofo! how come you didnt get your way out of that one? you going to stick with the 60ml springs? yeah boi you go change the springs then get wof then go to police station n boom your car is legal to drive haha. did you have your botle caps on
  11. sorry was half asleep when i typed this up, yeah want bigger than 17s, cheer
  12. yeah they only have proper m3 ones which are to wide and they have 19s which i am downgrading from. cheers
  13. Hey im looking for a pair of 18" bmw m3 replica wheels any one know of a second hand set?
  14. OHH! Good luck Boi! Matt
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