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Posts posted by Munts316i

  1. f150s are mint, they have the whole 'ima big suburban truck, dont f**k with me' appeal and you could, if you didnt mind curbing your rims...everywhere, drive them on the street, but these new ford trucks are stupidly huge, the designer should be shot, or forced to go on a diet...

    does he not realise that towing your house to get groceries is not normal?

  2. they good for their intended purpose...

    yer 316's and 318's are pretty much ment to be cruisers..never knew my car was carb'd thou, haha, anyways if your so keen on your bmw 4 banger enginge, why not buy a e36's wrecked one? youd sorta have a 316is thing going on.?

  3. yeah thats really ratshit whats happened to you man, i park my car outside and am sh*t scared anything will get touched, especially since a street from mine two cars have had their mags stolen, the only thing you can really do is get an alarm to scare half the idiots away and park intellegently, apart from that your car any anything in its for the taking.

    sucks huh. :banghead: :banghead:

  4. id still probly stick with the sr20, due mainly to it being a lighter engine than any 6 bangers, and it would make handling similiar to a 4cyln beema but with power low in the rev range to higher than most beemas will rev. You can very easily get 220kw with these enginges so tuning potential is endless eg 800hp sylvia in NZ, and theyre cheaper to buy and have heaps of off the shelf parts available.

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