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Everything posted by Advokit

  1. Yeah sorry forgot to scale em down for all you low res users ;P It is nice and low now too. Man BMWs go damn low. I ended up getting APEX springs for it and it sits nice. I promise when i post up the lowered pics ill make em small for ya homy I know how much of a bitch you are winge winge.
  2. Here is a couple of snaps of my ride. Its in the shop now gettin dropped so itll be at bit lower by the end of today. Few things I need to do Ie: Clear Indicators etc, apart from that im pretty happy with it.
  3. bmwclub.org looks pretty boring maybe they are all grey haired individuals. Certainly not as cool as this website anyhow. :mosh:
  4. Nah. Havent gone to a big gig in Auckland for ages. Hmmm Favorite artist is probably Trace or Ed Rush and Optical its a hard decision to make. I play the nancy sh*t tho, just to apeal more to the masses. :mosh:
  5. Ive had the BMW for a about 3 weeks so not long. But got some big plans for her thats for sure. Still at Harveys, its still payin pretty well so why leave. Ill have to keep you guys in the loop as me and Paul A the DnB don are gunna be playing out again like we used to at alcove. Ill give you an email when the next one is on. crack up running into you guys on here thats fer sure.
  6. Mitchell and Mitchell in Ohaupo (I think) fabricate just about anything and they do a damn good job. They also do all the Porter Hire race vehicles too. You want to get the baddest ass Mandrel bent system you can find. Make sure there is not a pipe bender in site if you want a really sh*t hot setup. Id guess on about 2 1/2 inch or 3" Mandrel. But thats just my 5c worth with swedish rounding.
  7. Homy and Sic you prolly know me better as Krusty. Used to own the Blue N14 Pulsar with the cage and shiz, then had the poo black Levin. Spark your memory? Oh and I am the shizzle Drum N Bass DJ if that helps You should email me bro id like to have a look at your ride looks pretty nice from the photos. When I finally get to a day where I see some day light ill snap some pics of my ride and post em up. Thanks for your suggestions and stuff guys Ive got some King Super lows lined up for it so hopefully they all good. Sounds like it should drop a fair bit. :thumb:
  8. Hi just thought I would intro myself. My ride is a 1997 E36 318 Sedan, 17s and Leather int. Tinted but yet to be lowered. Actually how bad can I expect me tyres to get chewed due to camber if I drop it? Oh and Hi Homy you know me, im Dan N's PC Co workmate sup?
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