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Posts posted by E30BMA

  1. Customers can be such muppets.

    Greg will remember this one, one of my personal favourites:

    1.Lady following ute down 100KPH road.

    2.Concrete umbrella stand falls off ute deck, and lady clean runs it over.

    3. Oil pressure light comes on ( accompanied by loud warning beeper), lady keeps driving. :huh:

    4. Engine becomes sluggish and lacks power, lady keeps driving. :o

    5.Accelleration becomes difficult, lady chops it down into 3rd....... :lol:

    You get the picture, we got it up on a hoist and found a hole in the alloy sump you could could fit a fist into and not touch the sides. :P

    Needless to say bottom end siezed after she eventually pulled over as she could go no further. She was apparently trying to drive it to our dealership to get it quote,"checked out", unquote

  2. Ha no places left to kayak in :(

    If so I'll take my paddle with the metal edged blades :P They dont let me play canoe polo with that one as it has a tendancy to break players fingers if I get too "enthusiastic" B)

  3. Thats insane, Its just another step to widen the gap between Maori and everyone else. Be interesting to see thow they will "police" it all, and who exactly would issue the fines? Not a major deal, just irritates me that they are able do that.

  4. Thats pretty poor on their part, I deal with many insurance companies in my day to day job (managing an automotive workshop), Autosure included, IMO, they shouldnt be expecting you to foot the bill if they authorise the part to be replaced.

    I would have thought that the cost of the faulty unit would be an issue that should be solved between Autosure and the company who diagnosed the fault ??

    Its really the repairer who has advised/ decided that the part requires replacement, not the client.

    Insurance companies usually try to minimise their costs by (in my experience) trying to source second hand/used parts to achieve this. Yet Ive never heard of them suggesting their client should pay for the repairs if unsuccessful.

    It really sucks that their expecting you to foot the cost, Id be spewing if they suggested that to me.

    Anything in the Consumer Guarantees Act that might help you out? Just a thought, someone else may have had a similar experience to you and can shed some light on how they solved it?

  5. Thanks guys, a pre purchase check is definately on the cards before I go ahead.

    Ive been wanting to get another E36 for quite a while since my last one got murdered by rogue Nissan.

    No tears of joy that day


    Was only a 320iA, so a manual 325 might be a nice change :)

  6. Saw this on TM and am sure its been on there for a while.

    Any one know the car or been to view it??

    Anything common to watchout for on the UK imports?


    Im interested in the car but curious if its been on here for a while that there might be some reason why its still not sold. Looks tidy from the outside but theres no interior or engine pics

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