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Posts posted by byza213

  1. Pretty sure I have put on another 5 kg's this year already thanks to lack of self diciplin and having a 24hr McD's up the road.

    I am all keen for healthy/cheap ideas to feed a family of four adults. Sooooo sick of Salads though.

    haha guessing you a botany boy?

  2. if i had the head on my shoulders 3 years ago when i left school i would have progressed abit more

    i was very spoiled from a young age and never had to save for anything now its catching up so now heres me trying to save etc HARD IT IS!.

    I need some good advise from people with similar interests just like this :)

  3. i did two courses and hoped out of both decided studying wasnt for me (straight out of school )

    had good looking cars that came easy from parents etc so i was spoiled but now kinda wish i hadnt been

    decided to ge a job

    now in the freighting industry (freight forwarding) .. looking at doing etc papers and having a lil extra job on the side to..dont really want a be a average joe but i guess what you put in you get out

    too suport my car/ clothes etc .. i live at home also no rent / board etc but have cut down on drinking and social saves me a little extra

    i think this is a good thread to just give me abit of a wake up call since im still young

    btw anyone in the freight industry ?

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