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Posts posted by byza213

  1. probably going to be a hard one to find unless brent or someone on here as one.i had a ac snitz front bumper on my old 525i only saw one like that before on another one .so i decided to buy a 540 v8 bumper which is abit of a different look on my 520i (not on yet)

  2. Hi guys,

    Just wondering if anyone is to do an order with me or if someone is keen to set one up. I suck at buying stuff online with credit cards (trademe and internet banking is all sweet though).

    You think they're worth it? Or you think they would be too much hassle?

    I mean if i kept my other plates in the car could i just swap them if the police hit me up about them?

    id be keen but im useless at the whole credit card thing to mite do it off my mates

  3. yea true i missed that point to its at other drivers risk to obviously but i dont see how compressing your springs with shortned shocks can kill people really i no someone that died with a $300 mitsibishi sigma with cut springs years ago yea fair enough

    and i beleive you can get a cert with shortened shocks and springs you want to go slow over a bump thats your own fricken problem even if you got legit super low springs

  4. i like it thats what im planning on next a different look but a e39 facelift

    not a bad price on trademe

    crack up comments

    end of the day some people like big wheels some small some high some low :)

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