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Posts posted by M325is

  1. Can we have one photo with a hot fireman putting out a fire in a z4 or something?? PLEASE!!!

    You can always have it as January 2011 (back page) and put a caption somewhere saying "for the ladies"

    Hmmm - I could organise this. Maybe even a hot chick in the pic looking all distressed and hot/flustered, soot on her face etc. Hot topless fireman in the background putting out the fire haha

  2. Spotted... Glenn you hoon! Taking off up settlement road. Your lucky you didn't come an hour before hand as we just cleared a whole heap of bolts that had dropped off the back of a truck off the road, they were like skittles!

    Anyone want some good quality bolts hahahaha, few hundred dollars worth here, going up on trade me soon.

  3. Pulled out of my drive way and some old dude came flying round the bend and down the hill screaming right up behind me, I thought he was going to smack up my rear so put my foot down, just round the next corner (aprox. 40m from my driveway) was a cop who pulled me over for doing 17km over the limit and the dude behind me got waived on. (The guy behind me would have easily been doing 30km+ over the limit before he nearly rear ended me. I was spewing at the $130 fine!

  4. It is kind of like the TopGear wall where they place the cars at either end in regards to whether they are cool or not.

    Any car that any footballer has bought is now uncool!

    Now that chrome is EVERYWHERE and mainly used by certain individuals (anyone who knows me well will know what sort of individuals I am pointing at) Chrome is now uncool.

  5. White E30 on Tawa Drive, Number plate: E30, suspiciously looked like Andrew.

    E30 Racecar on Tawa Drive... definitely Nikolas calling into super cheap!

    Various others on Tawa drive...

    Can you tell I'm working up a scaff at the mo?

    I'm on the round about on Tawa Drive (motorway end) wrapping a large building in vinyl. Toot toot!

  6. They just critise everything. My wife did her test few month ago and was told she was driving too slow. The examiner said why is she driving so slowly in a BMW. I mean WTF?

    I had the same thing, they try to peer pressure you into speeding, if you give into them you fail. If you are taking a corner at 35km/hour because it is recommended on a sign stick to that speed until you are out of the corner. If they tell you to hurry up DON NOT listen to them! And yes they will fail you if you do not do recommended speed!

  7. Yeah I think you are meant to check your mirrors at least every 10seconds.

    Always drive in the left hand lane unless passing, this includes highways (not motorways - you dont have to go on the motorway).

    But when turning into a 2 lane road always stay in your lane which usually means turning into the right hand lane. I hate c**ts who turn into the left lane, the left lane is for people turning into the same street from the adjacent road!

    Constantly look out for pedestrians, cars parked in driveways, cars reversing out of driveways etc as you will be asked to stop and tell the officer everything you have seen in the last 1 km. This includes cars traveling infront and behind you and oncoming traffic.

    Use median strips for braking and waiting to turn into a driveway etc dont brake in your lane, but indicate to merge onto the median strip then brake.

    Have fun!

  8. Outcome: Went to lawyer, he told me to go through disputes tribunal. Lawyer couldn't even defend me if we did go to court over it as he is the said companies lawyer (conflict of interests)... what are the odds.

    The lawyer subtly told me that hes still waiting to be paid by them for past legal fees.

    So when I get some spare time I'll be filing a dispute.

    I think I have to do it whether its worth it or not as I want to learn the process. Ive never been to court. It was bound to happen some day in this sh*t world we live in so I may as well learn while I'm young.

  9. Fek i'm sick of this sheit aye, what is it with people thinking they can pick and choose what they want and the terms of payment is up to them!

    Can somebody tell me why medium to large companies think that they can choose the payment terms after they have already signed off on our terms?!

    What makes them more superior?

    Alot of people are arseholes in business. I cant believe how childish this company is being.

    I'm lucky I have a fek load of patience otherwise i would have killed people by now, I'm having to restrain my partner from a face to face confrontation. But then that would be stooping to their childish level.

    It sucks that we have to lose money just to make a moral statement! But I find it very hard to let them get away with it. Its why they are doing it in the first place... they know they can get away with it.

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