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Everything posted by emily-mouse

  1. Haha and the older people reckon we're loose...
  2. Pity half of the people on here don't have the money for bags. How much are they anyways? I'm guessing an arm and a leg?
  3. Haha, you wouldn't know anything about bad drivers mate, Tauranga (where I live) is the retirement capital... enough said.
  4. Wooo. Sorry people. I'm a chick, I don't have top knowledge of this kinda stuff, I bought the car, I love bmw's, I like how mine looks, my mods are all legal, and what i've got out of this post is generally it just happens to bmw's. Some people need to calm the fook down. Obviously it's just what happens when a bema is lowered. Sorry guys...=[
  5. Don't boys understand? SIZE DOES MATTER. ..... Enough said. Haha.
  6. Hmmm, is there anyway to prevent it? Maybe rotating them? ...Or removing half of my closet out of the boot? Haha. (I'm joking by the way).
  7. I'm liking the rims, that's just me personally, do what the hell you want mate, it's your car, not everyone elses, at the end of the day you drive it, not them. A generalisation for me is bema's with wings on them look a bit uhhh...*raises eyebrow*.
  8. Howdy, Haha someone was right who posted on my "new persons post" about my tyres. I just came home from the tyre shop. Goodbye to a couple of hundy. My tyre pressure had been going down a bit just after i bought it, we found a stone wedged inbetween the rim and tyre, so yeah put the blame on that. The tyre pressure kept on going down, so took it in today, you guessed it, inside on both rare tyres they had gouges down to the canvas. *Rolls eyes*. The dude told me it's pretty normal for that to happen on bmw's or mercs, just for some reason which i wasn't focusing on obviously. Oh ps. The guy who did the tyres for me told me I shouldn't have got a bema, jap cars are better and cheaper. Pfft, PULEASE!!
  9. Hoh! I'm very guilty of this. Hmmm, never ever have had to really take my eyes off the road while I'm texting, only for a split second to check to see if it makes sense. (Lots of practice from classes in school!) Texting while driving isn't much different from fiddling with your ipod or headunit. Or staring up someone nice looking who's walking down the street. (Come on boys, all guilty!)
  10. Haha, gosh guys, it came with the cromes! Nar I love them, anyone my age creams over anything that looks nice and shiny, haha. Haha yeah very glad i upgraded from a Honda, not really a fan of how light they are to drive. Although I did discover going fast+wet road+corner in the bema=sliding games. Since that day I have been driving it like a nana. The appearance makes up for the slowness aiiight. Haha. So uhh...let me guess, the meets are in Auckland yeah?? What's the info on them?
  11. Hey Everyone, I go by the name of Emily or Ems, came across this "BMW community" on the Performance Car website. Hmmm...I live in Tauranga, am probably the youngest chick on here, let's say i'm two years under 18 haha. A few weeks ago I made a purchase of a 1992 318i off a dude Paul from Otorohonga, hopefully the attached pictures will show it. It's RED (yay the colour that fades on bemas!), has compressed springs, 18" advanti cromes, blah blah blah, yeah you get the drift. Previously I owned a Honda Integra, owned it for about 4 months, haha got rid of that quick, gotta have class! HOLLA. =]
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