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bimmer boy

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Everything posted by bimmer boy

  1. sorry they are a bit big here is the bit behind the rear wheel
  2. notice shock mount is held together by silicon rubber
  3. well today i decided to jack the car up and give everyone some pictures of why my car is F*cked as in the left rear wheel well is rusted out according to the workshop its the worst they hav ever seen so now i hav decided to cut my losses and sell as parts car and negotiations with the people who gave it the warrent in this condiotion is under way if u hav any questions bout what some things in the pictures are just ask
  4. nath and i were behind one on the motorway yesterday so maybe the E can mean executive as well?
  5. Even then, the original E mecerdes was to indicate a petrol fuel injection model as in the 230E or 190E etc. Only when they changed to the letter in front of the name and they becam classes or series as in a-class, c-class and e-class etc did the "E" come to mean executive. As far as bimmers go, I thought E was for the Energy efficient models with the ETA engines, but I could be wrong of course. As a side note, mercedes energy efficient models were the EC's as in 500SEC. EC stands for "Energy Concept" The normal model was simply 500S, 500SL or 500SEL. i always thought SEC meant S-class coupe??
  6. bimmer boy

    LAYDLO bma

    saw this bout and hour ago at st lukes it looks nice its real low awsome colour too deffinaly nearly one of a kind
  7. b careful tho cos the handle is liky to come off then it will b even harder to get into
  8. bimmer boy

    My Car

    looks sweet dude i know i hav seen ur car so many times b4 but that kit has never looked so good where are the eyelids u got made?
  9. dude let me know wen and ill come take pics if u want and post them
  10. bimmer boy


    smoked smoked smoked!!!!
  11. im soooo digging those mirrors right now and lips spoiler is cool too
  12. yea this happend to me and i lost my patience and pulled the handle off like how u say jammed up like do u mean the lock is so u can still move the handle ok? cos if it does id just lift it as if u wer opening it and get a screw driver and sort of pry it open
  13. bimmer boy

    New Year

    just wanted to know what everyone is doing on ye ole new year?? anyone having parties or anything?
  14. yea i got a camera on the way now its a 3.1mp but you can choose you res up to 5.5mp and as low a 1.0mp so it should b ok for what i need it for
  15. sounds dodgy better not -family is in the room
  16. i wouldnt have a vert any way wouldnt b too impress wen it starts leaking which it proberbly would! and plus even on a new car they fail my mums friends one in her CLK stoped workings and was leaking hardcore and its only 2 years old
  17. bimmer boy

    Glovebox torch

    i saw glovebox torches on trade me for like $10 dont know if they guenuine tho
  18. bimmer boy

    My new CAI

    sh*t yea the engine bay is sooooo clean andrew u would die if u saw mine hahaha yea dude that thing u put in looks good does it make much difference when u drive it? mmm dirty
  19. i didnt know LSD's wer interchangable between 3's 5's and 7's hmm i seem to learn something new every day
  20. bimmer boy


    maybe u should consider doing some minor weight reduction or something??but then again u drive a 5 cos its a damn nice car not nessersarily for the speed factor
  21. by the way u do know a baur isnt a normal convertible as it was a conversion done to a normal E30 coupe... correct meif im wrong
  22. any way who cares wat people think of you if u drive a convertible. all that matter is that if your happy with it!
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