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BM WORLD last won the day on February 3

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1290 Excellent


  • Rank
    Forum Sponsor
  • Birthday 01/15/1972

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  • Name
    brent A
  • Location
  • Car
    S54 330iT
  • Mods List
    msport ,6spd
  • Car 2
    E53 4.6is X5
  • Car 3
    335i 2008
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  1. yup guy allan owned about eight 8 series many rare models some pics here on bimmersport he organised a 8 series day at hampton downs many years ago
  2. https://www.facebook.com/share/14jBUyXzpT/ have this facelift type
  3. front right corner and back left corner
  4. heaps of jap imports get bits added to them nothing special , just a body kit etc you could buy those parts from bmw dealers back in the day etc
  5. blocked skuttle panel drains,(leaves etc) then floods through the air intake for the blower fan runs down through the blower fan straight over the fuse box and body modules also if window regs are not working and door card membranes ripped
  6. i know the long time owner before this person its has so much more than what this guy has listed many upgrades and many many new parts etc many many $$$$ spent on it over 20 plus years etc call me if you want to know its full history 021433600
  7. i still have my one neat car black on black nz new 2002 4.6is
  8. https://store.vacmotorsports.com/vac-motorsports-performance-multi-layered-steel-head-gasket-bmw-m30-p995.aspx
  9. also you could get custom MLS type made i had a custom made years back to suit a m88 bored to 95mm https://store.vacmotorsports.com/vac-motorsports-performance-multi-layered-steel-head-gasket-bmw-m30-p995.aspx a few places that do them i think also someone in nz maybe?
  10. i think they where partly covered from memory
  11. buy a 135i or m135i or swap in a n54 to your 130i
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