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Everything posted by 318is

  1. Andrew: Where did you get that info from. Talking about that computer pic you posted? Is there one for a E36 like mine available? Cheers
  2. 318is


    Pull the rubber boots back and have a look for seepage. Normaly if this is the case, you will suddenly run out of fluid and find your self with no clutch.Your problem sounds more like a pressure plate or a clutch plate problem, but in saying that, defentley look at your cylinders first... much cheaper Recon kits are cheap, just a few rubber seals in them. Take them to Auto Stop or equilivent and match them up. Maybe the are BMW only kits out there, but unlikely. Hope its not a 'box out' job
  3. how much for tthe bling bling mags?
  4. 318is

    can you escape?

    *sic I don't know where you keep your collection of tidbits, ( like above ), but I bet the babes are fiighting over themselves to get in your pants! :mosh:
  5. 318is

    can you escape?

    arrr..the power of three.... nasty bitches :love:
  6. http://www.btinternet.com/~crillboy/proper...ephotos.cfm.htm :mosh:
  7. Looking to replace my existing ones ( some buggar b4 me niked em I rekon and fitted crappy ones ) Black/Cosmos Cheers
  8. I must of missed the buy now..id grab it for a buk! What is it worth?
  9. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...on-15525722.htm
  10. Proven indeed..two planes cruise around the world at the same velocities in opposite directions, one gets to the 'starting point' earlier cos of it's direction relative to the orbit of the earth.... not completly relative to your point, but kinda. Loosly explains this theory.In Hawkings book "Universe in a nutshell" he explains the oddity of velocity vs time quite well. Bloody good read if you can be bothered. *sic, yeah get me started and i'll dribble bout this stuff all night too, especially after a few too many, or a peace pipe or two :drugs:
  11. Me, I observe our solor system through a time machine, or a telescope in laymans terms, study (in a mathamatical/physical) why, what, how we are here. I am in awe that a light year is 9,460,540,000,000 kilometers away, or 9.5 Trillion kilometers, or 6 Trillion miles away. When I observe, or show others our nearest star, which is alfa centauri at 4.33 light years away ( yeah do the maths ), its a bretty big place. I often think, are we the only place in the cosmos with BMW'S ( or hondas ) ? or car washing bitches?
  12. Your Ph suks...nice beamers thou :finger:
  13. 318is

    318 engine bits

    1342 is indeed the firing order, and yes its looks like that dirty old motor in ya pic
  14. I do agree, like shampoo and conditioner in one bottle.But I buy it all trade/bulk and its free to use ....ie Company pays for it.
  15. Pet hate: DIRTY BLACK CAR. I clean my beamer every friday at 3PM. Was/wax combo. Half a side at a time. Chammi dry ALWAYS. Vacuum and clean leather. Hand clean mags and put tyre sh*t on. Leather conditioner inside. Armorall on black plastic striping thingee around the bumpers and car. Wipe down wheel arches, inside doors. Basically farken everywhere. I only drive it Fridays and weekends cos I have a company van. I get the piss taken out of me at work ( not badly cos im the boss - haha ) cos im cleaning it every week, but damn it looks nice, sparkly and clean. Once cleaned thou, the piss takers say nice man, looking sweet. :bounce:
  16. Like the mode here... is that the original intake piping?.I would replace it with a smoother one for better air flow ( if the flexability isn't a issue ). You'll be suprised with the differance between smooth and ribbed, or even a fine looking polished alloy pipe. Looking sweet dude! :mosh:
  17. 318is

    usin H20

    I would say its the gunge inside the water ways clogging up the leak, gets dislodged, leaks a bit, then blocks up again. I wouldnt flush ya engine just yet I',ve had this in a few forkhoists before from Japan. To the leak problem way above - throw a radiator pressure tester on the cooling system and look for a leak... or loose hose clamp.
  18. Do a yellow and white pages search for "books and toys" - find him and pay him a visit :rambo:
  19. 318is

    Pimped my ride.

    Nice ride man - I might have to lower my E36 now... looks damn fine. LOL - I got the SAME air fresner in the SAME place as you!... mine came free as a sample in the post. Won't use another one, cos it wipes out the yummy leather smell How much was the lowering??
  20. 318is

    318 engine bits

    Howdy. He can't remember but its out of a: 1985 E30. 318i Hope that helps. Hes open to offers for a sale of the whole shabang. Don't forget, the bottom end went "shabang" when it siezed on a big end. - but the rest should be sweet.
  21. 318is

    318 engine bits

    I Got up into the racking yesterday to find a number on the block, but couldnt see one. The only number was 1342 on the Rocker Cover, but that prolly won't help. The dizzy, I'm SURE, is at the flywheel end. If its not, i'll say so monday when I see it again. I'll try and ring the old boy today and ask him what engine it is - he may remember since he organised the purchase of the motor. I was just foolish enough to agree to do the swap over for him.
  22. 318is

    318 engine bits

    Hey. I got a 318 engine in my racking at work that I pulled out of the old mans car a while ago. It spun a few BE bearings, but the top end should be sweet. Single OH cam jobby. If anyone is interested in any parts off it, let me know and I'll see what he wants for them. ( I recently robbed the water pump off it and put it on his 'second hand motor thou )
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