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roo last won the day on July 15 2014

roo had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

41 Excellent

1 Follower

About roo

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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    E34 ACS 540i
  • Car 2
    2005 RR Vogue

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  1. Hey team Probably a long shot but I'm need of a Motorsport front bumper for E34. Part is no longer available through BMW Germany unfortunately. Cheers Roo
  2. Hey team After an 11 blade fan for E34 M60. Part number is 11521712110. Thanks!
  3. roo

    1994 540i AC Schnitzer

    Hello Bimmersport! I think I may now be ready to sell my beloved 540i. Get in touch if you are interested. Cheers Roo
  4. roo

    WTD: E39 540i

    Still looking! Interested in anything under 170kms.
  5. Yeah I thought providing you were swapping EWSI with EWSI they were interchangeable?
  6. Hey team I'm after a DME to suit 1994 NZ new 540i automatic. Cheers!
  7. Hey team Quick question here, last night I noticed my clock/computer screen was very dim while driving at night. And then when I turned my headlights off the screen went out altogether. Any ideas? Is the ambient light from the buttons lighting up going up to the screen and that's why it's dim perhaps? It's this style: Cheers!
  8. roo

    1994 540i AC Schnitzer

    Hi guys Apologies for my silence on this, the car I was looking to buy fell through so at the moment I am keeping the 540i. I still have the intention to see it but only when I have a suitable replacement lined up as it's too good to let go otherwise. I will update those of you who showed interest when that time comes. Cheers, Roo.
  9. It's a tricky one, it does rely on a few systems to talk to each other. Car dealers don't log on as you or I would and manage listings in that way. Their back end dealer management system talks to us and sends new vehicles to upload and any to remove. Some are slack, some have the odd issue and some leave them up there purely as marketing which we do try and chase up.
  10. Hit the little 'Community Watch' thing on any listings where this happening, we usually chase up dealers on this sort of thing pretty well.
  11. roo

    1994 540i AC Schnitzer

    Ah right, I was flatting there for a few months! Small world huh.
  12. roo

    1994 540i AC Schnitzer

    Where is your house?
  13. roo


    I don't buy film or anything from him but to develop a roll and scan the images onto a CD he charges $15 or $20 from memory. I don't think that's too bad?
  14. roo


    There is a photo shop inside the Meadowbank Countdown/mall that does this. I still shoot a bit of film and he does all mine. Nik's Photoshop it's called. He also sells womens shoes.
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