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Posts posted by Forrest

  1. Have both PFL and FL radiators here if one or the other doesn't work.

    Thanks for the email and the help.

    Stab in the dark here, but the FL engine, box and loom came out of a FL car that was converted from auto to manual, am I going to run into any issues throwing it into a car that was manual from factory, abeit a PFL?

  2. ^ Thanks for the help.

    If my first post wasn't clear enough,

    Taking the engine + manual gearbox +engine loom out of a PFL (so completely removing Motronic 1.1) and in it's place putting a different engine + different manual gearbox and engine loom out of a motronic 1.3 car, that all works correctly before I pulled it out of the car.

    So basically the only thing I might need to change is the signal wire to make my tacho work?

    Will send you a PM now for the wiring diagram, thanks for the help.

    Any other input is appreciated.

  3. Just a quick query,

    Swapping the original engine and manual box out of my PFL 325i (Motronic 1.1) to replace it with a FL 325i (Motronic 1.3) engine and manual box. Swapping the whole thing with the entire engine loom, ecu etc has the same radiator etc already, am I right in saying it is just a swap in, swap out job? Will have to use my PFL drive shaft but other than that I can't imagine any issues.

    Will I need to pull the pins on the c101 connector and match them up and that's it?

    Any help is appreciated, planning on making the most of the long weekend.

    Cheers, Nathan

  4. Run 130km a week, cycle on my rest days, 30min core workout + pilates 3 x a week.

    Cycling is good for getting fit because low impact on joints etc. Spin bike sessions at the gym are also really beneficial. Swimming is all good and well if you like staring at a black line at the bottom of the pool for hours.

    @ nath try running on some trails instead of footpaths ;)

  5. Anyone interested in this?

    I drive this car everyday now and the drivers seat cloth is starting to wear pretty thin, so would rather sell it now before it's totally ruined and put some shitty comfort seats in with seat covers.

    Passengers seat is in good condition with just one small hole which has been stitched and barely noticable, the rear seat has the glue patch on it.

    Basically would need recovering in OEM fabric or a lookalike checker material.

    Ideally would want to swap for a plain set of seats and door cards + a little cash my way.

    I will put some pics up tomorrow with closer pics of the damage.

    Anyone interested, feel free to PM me to negotiate.

  6. ^ Haha all fixed now.

    As mentioned in other thread I am on the hunt for a bonnet, bootlid and front guards in royal blue if anyone has any? Trying to avoid having to pay to get the current ones resprayed, if we can replace them all only the roof will need to be painted, saving a fair amount of money, so if anyone has any, get in touch. Ta

  7. Massive thanks to Flake for all his help getting it to where it is so far.

    Some update pics, first time car has moved in 5-6 months since manual conversion and engine refresh.

    Getting there, just finished my degree at university so that has been taking up all my spare time along with running training, hence slower than expected progress.

    Next up is the interior tidy and then should be off to get a cage then paint.

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  8. ^ Thanks Ian for your help again.

    Well I got it to start, but it is backfiring constantly, so I think I have either got a timing issue, a ignition issue or stale fuel maybe? It has been in there since January.

    Fingers crossed it gets fixed soon so can finally get a cage sorted.

  9. Okay so thanks to google, I found out the black box that sits on top of the ECU if you have a OBC is important! its the OBC relay box, that switches the power from the ignition coil to the c101 plug then onto the main green wire at the coil, so now have 12v at the coil.

    Progress is progress, still won't start though.

    Need to double check fuel lines are around the right way, also the two black motronic connectors (crank sensor and speed sensor?) under the diagnostic plug, anyone know a way to confirm which way around they are supposed to be, the plugs are identical and go into the same rubber sleeve, so no way to know for sure?

    Any help is appreciated, thanks.

  10. Anyone know if the main DME relay or the plug it plugs into crapping out would stop the ignition coil getting power?

    Edit: it shouldn't supposedly only puts power to the ECU and the fuel system.

    And cheers Matt ;)

  11. ^ Yeah sweet man, been busy at work and training, will text this week as I have bit more time.

    I have no power at the coil (so no spark) so been chasing around how that came about, got 12v at the ignition switch but nothing at the coil, so I am stumped.

    Have done the wiring under the gearstick to bypass the park safety starter switch, and works fine, cranks just no no snap crackle pop.

    Will have a look on realoem cheers.

    Wiring diagrams are killing me slowly.

    Edit: And thanks Ian for your help, currently have one earth wire from chassis to sump do I need a extra one? Compared with flakes car and he only has one from the sump to the chassis.

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