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Posts posted by mikes635csi

  1. Hi all,

    I went in to see the beloved car yesterday to find a new floor on the drivers side and what resembled a bowl of cornflakes on the ground which turned out to be the old floor. The sunroof and its myriad of framing has been removed and a new plate going in to give me more head room. The new seats from RACEPRO have been tested for placement and look great.

    ENGINE. Can anyone help with some advice on the motor. I have the head off and the pistons look like they are raised so don't know if they are standard or not?? any help on checking what is about would be much appreciated.

    mike :wub:

  2. spent 2 weeks there in 06, loved it, go to Hanoi and then up inland to Sapa if you like mountain villages and mist/jungle, go to Halong Bay for 3500 little islands in a green warm sea, spend the night on a junk, visit caves like waitomo, drink tiger penis wine.

    Go to Hoi An, about 1000km south, great for clothes, but only get really good stuff like coats or jackets, shirts cheap but can get same from the warehouse. eat lots of octopus, best diving in the world.

    Then go to Saigon, great place, millions of scooters and Colonel Sanders looks slightly oriental. Go out to Coochi to visit the tunnels and look at what it was like for them, shoot heaps of guns and stuff but never saw a rocket launcher, go through the tunnels for 100m and see what you think.

    Visit the jail, lots of things. For $10NZ can get a cab for about 4 hours, food is great and cheap. lots of tours. can send some pics if you have email address.


  3. Looks like you've set yourself up with a bit of a mission there Mike.

    Where are you from? Good luck, will be awesome when done.


    I know, it will be fun though, now living in Tauranga. Have had the car for about 10 years and would love to get out and have some fun in it. i need to learn what to do and where to go with it. Have seen Gerry's 635 and it looks cool.

  4. Does M6 or M5 stuff fit? Probably a touch pricey though!

    Or are you after proper calipers (non sliding)?

    Not sure what will fit at all, it seems the car is a bit too old to be popular with parts, so i am just trying to find out if anyone has anything that will bolt on that is way bigger than the old standard stuff, that will help slow me down when i need it.

  5. Hi all,

    The car has finally been moved out of my mates back yard and i have spent a few weekends taking it all apart. Good bonding time with my son who helped. Then talked about soda blasting and have had that done.

    It now looks like part of it has just come off the factory floor, and the other parts have come off the ocean floor.

    Then we pulled the front end and diff out and the whole car has gone to the panel shop for a heap of work.

    The roll cage will be fitted next and i will put the front end and the diff back in once the new bushes/rotors/shocks, are fitted.

    Any help and advice here would be appreciated.

    Am also getting the seats organised with Racepro - but need to know if i need them to be certified ?? whatever that means.??




  6. Hi everyone,

    I am looking for a good set up for my car as it progresses and would like to put some decent size rotors and good calipers on board, also decent shocks. Any advice or anyone with some goodies would be much appreciated.

    Car has been soda blasted and now at panelshop. Will put the front end and rear back in with new gear on it.



  7. Hi there all,

    I have had a 1976 635csi for the last 10 years and it has been mothballed for the last few of those. Have just moved to Tauranga and am going to take it apart and get it sorted to hopefully enter in some racing somewhere.

    i would like to get some help with options of what i can do to the car and where it could possibly be raced in the future.

    I love the car and will never part with it, and it is time to get it roaring again.


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