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Posts posted by JaseNZ

  1. I went through this dilemma about a year ago myself. I had the preconception that LCD was the way to go so off i go with this in my mind.

    Arriving at Harvey Normans i said the the sales man i want that 40" Samsung LCD over there and he asked me are you really sure ???.

    He asked me what i would really be using it for and i quoted a lot of motor sport and general tv watching.

    So he gets this other TV a Samsung plasma and we set them up side by side and he sets up a ps3 which runs to both of them via hdmi.

    I was blown away, the difference was noticeable as hell, The plasma won hands down, No stuttering or slight jerks in the picture.

    Now i bet you are thinking he did this so he could get a bigger $$ sale but no this plasma was the same price and was 42" as compared to the 40" LCD.

    Needless to say i was swayed to the plasma and i love it to bits. I have a ps3 hooked up to mine mainly for watching blue ray and also have mysky hdmi.

    Fantastic tv and looks great. From other reports of people i have talked to over 42" plasma is still the best way to go.

    Oh i got a 250gig hd dvd recorder (by redemption) as well and it even arrived about a month after i sent the details in, but i sold it on tm cause with mysky i did'd need it :lol:

    But this is just my opinion. :D

  2. thanks for the replys.

    I'm already booked in for its service tomorrow, otherwise I probably would have attempted it myself with the adapter recommended. I'm sure it would be alot cheaper to do aswell.

    There is a Repco literally across the road from the place it's going to be serviced for it.

    Would you suggest I buy the part from there yself and take it to the mechanic/electrician that's fixing it. I have a suspicion he's only going to buy the part from the same place but charge me double for it o_0.

    is this a wise move?

    I would hit him up about it, say you know that an adapter plug can be sourced via repco and that you could get it yourself and supply the part. See what he has to say if he knows you know what the price of an adapter plug is he may not try and charge you double for it.

  3. The door panel insert is attached to the door panel by the plastic being melted over the back of the panel... remove the whole door panel then you'll see what I mean. To be re-upholstered they're likely to break the plastic bits at the back, re-cloth the insert then glue it or screw it together from the back. The whole door panel is removed by removing the plastic cover around the door handle, the 2 Torx screws behind the door panel's handle, then carefully pull it bit by bit around the door to release all the clips. Unscrew the door lock cover and lift the panel off. Btw, you'll probably need to buy some new clips as the old ones break quite easily.

    About the window, I'm not sure if it would cause your problem but it's fairly common to have the plastic sliders on the window rail break. They get brittle over time. These cost a few dollars from the dealer. Would be a good idea to put some grease on the rail while you're at it.

    The good news is you can fix both problems at the same time.

    Thanks for that might pull all the pannels off this weekend and find somebody who can do them during this week so i can give them the panels next week and jave a look at the window sliders at the same time.

  4. Guys on my e36 on all four doors the Upholstery is comming away, Its just a small panel around the door handle area. I know this is a common problem with this model. Looks to me as if the head lining has already been done as its fine and its also a different shade to the material on the doors.

    My question is who in chch would be good at doing the doors and is it easier for me to take the door panel's (are they easy to get off) off and just take in the small sections that need doing.

    Also on the drivers side window if you go to put it up you put it half way up stop grab hold of the side and pull it to the right so it pushes into the track then go all the way up. Sometimes it pinches the rubber and curls it under the glass. Have not had the panel off so not sure on how the window is connected to the motor arm and why i am having to push it into the track when i get it half way up.

    When you push it over into the track it feels as if the front bottom section of the glass has slipped down so when you push it it pulls it back up into alignment.

    I think the rubber may be getting a bit brittle that surrounds the window. Is it easy to replace ???

  5. Awesome, cheers dude.

    Hahah thanks for that also after having a look through i found a few things i did not know like shutting the door and leaving the key in the locked position for a few secs the windows and sunroof auto close , ya no more having to put them up inside cause the missus forgot to put hers up :P , Oh and i have the bently service manual for the e36 in pdf form should anybody want it ;)

  6. This is my tale of woe and just shows that Murphy’s Law comes into play sometimes when u least expect it.

    It all started one Saturday about a year ago when while sitting around with nothing to do I thought now is the time to upgrade my car and get the bmw I always wanted to. I had no model in mind and just thought I would hop around the car yards and see what was about. I came across this particular one and at the time thought hmmm that’s quite nice would not mind a closer look.

    So off I take in a test drive and did the tunnel run and back again, I thought hmmm yup this is not to bad but because I do a lot of travelling I thought I need a much longer drive to test this out. I discussed this with the dealer and said how would you feel if I took it for a drive to nelson and back to make sure it’s comfortable and not to bad on gas. I was surprised to hear him say yup no problems.

    Away I go on Sunday morning, everything is going fine until about 15k past the turn off to Hamner where I came to a crest that also combined a slight right hand turn, I was travelling at around 65 - 70k when coming over the crest to find fine pea gravel all over the road where they had been doing road works. The car starts to slide and I manage to grab it and I thought I had corrected it but must have over compensated and started sliding the other way then the tires bit into some road with no gravel and shot me across the road towards the bank on the left hand side. There was nothing more I could do and I can remember thinking frik this air bag is going to hurt.

    I hit the bank spin around about 3 times and end up in the centre of the road. I sit there for a few minutes thinking frik frik when I hear another car braking and sliding and he does the same as me and ends up no more the 3 meters from me. I get out and shoot over to make sure the other drive is ok when I see he is I grab the triangle out of the boot and race up the road and put it out to avoid any more cars smacking to us. The approach to the other side of us is fine as it’s a long straight after the slight curve and you could see us no problems at all. A truck driver coming the other way stopped and helped us out and towed both our cars to the side of the road right next to yes 2 other cars that had done the same thing. The truck driver said did you not see the warning signs of road works and to slow down to 30k to which I replied aye I never seen any signs.

    We go for a walk over the crest to find no signs at all then the other guy who almost hit me spied the bloody signs up in the bush, somebody thought it would be a funny idea to throw them up there for some reason. Anyway the truck driver gave us both a ride back to chch and I contacted the car dealer to needless to say be not to impressed. I had to pay the $1k excess because in the end their insurance company wrote the car off. That’s my lesson on how not to take a car for a test drive.

    I guess all in all it was not mint to be and I am more happy with the bmw I have now than I think I would ever have been with the one I was thinking of buying. Here are the pics from the results of the crash. Oh and one thing which I was surprised was not a single airbag went off and yet to me the impact was bloody hard, hard enough to give me a hell of a sore back and some real nice seatbelt bruising that stayed with me for some time.






  7. Yep, what he said + I’ll add that Cyclops also do great alarms and this is the price point id start looking at. Good mate off mine installs them and his cheapest package (Cyclops) starts at $450.

    I thought it was best not to go with the uniden one and went and seen a proper install place today, I am looking at the Mongoose M80G , which has triple immobilisers and a list of features to long to list, Looking at $650 for a full black wire professional install.

    Anybody have any opinions on this mongoose.

  8. Most AC guys wont fill now without doing a leak test now. It might cost a little more than what Brian said

    Yup i rang a place just before and had a good chat to the guy he said even though the car is 12 years old it should not need gassing as it does not get used up so hence maybe a small leak, He also said while doing it its best to do the filter at the same time. Reckons could cost up to $300 for full service and new filter and any leaks repaired. Cut a long story short taking it into them next week and they will do a full inspection for free and then we shall take it from there, with summer coming up i need my a/c working blowing nice cold chilly air B)

  9. As you know i am new around here and purchased a 1996 323i with the m sport kit on it. Well today i went for my first decent drive which was from chch to akoroa which i know is not a huge distance but it gave me a feel for my car. After my previous car which was state of the ark my beemer handled like a dream, smooth and quiet and with plenty of punch when i needed it. Its still a learning curve for me as my last one which was a mazda jap import 2 door was very light in the steering and you can feel the beemer much more heavy but i am sure that is something i will get used to. Going over the hill a small plant on the pedal and in sport mode shot me away faster than i am used to and i found it both fun and exciting. I have always wanted to own and bmw and now that i do i am over the moon its everything that i expected, I guess pride comes into it as well i feel proud to own one where as before it was just a case of meh yup thats my car but now i feel proud getting out of mine lol, i know it sounds silly but to me its been a big leap. I put some car seat covers in yesterday and these (see pic) were the only ones i could find that i sort of liked in the right colour, Have also included a pic of the head unit i put in, Luckily the one took out of my old car lights up with the excat same colour as all the lights in the beemer. Anyway that was me just making a big deal that most people will say wtf :D



  10. Just wondering whats with the new shape alot of car manufactures are using on the front end these days, In my opinion they look like some sort of smiley face :wacko: , I know its just my opinion but i don't like the look of them at all , Guess its lucky i would never be able to afford one anyway :D , Thats just my two cents and heres a couple of pics of what i mean.



  11. I attempted my first mission this morning which was changing the light on the clock on the obc - Not as easy as i thought of just pushing up in that hole under the sunglass holder - 1/2hr later i finally got it out but the back of the obc was left behind in the hole but that was easy to get out, $4.80 for the bulb and now i can see my clock all the time, putting it back in took about 3 seconds wish it was easier to take it out than put it back in. Anyway clock 1 point up to me, to anybody else i guess this is nothing special but for me it was the first and successful mission i have carried out B)

  12. +1. That's exactly what I did.

    Congrats presso, she's a beaut. Is it Montreal Blue? As mentioned - remove the ///M, it's aftermarket and in the wrong position.

    Yup according to the info under the hood its montrealblau - metallic , and as per the good advice i have trimmed the stupid plate holder and removed the ///m badge now things look alot cleaner.


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