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About jayray

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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    Citroen ZX

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  1. Hi there, I've no experience with the compatibilities of DME and EWS systems on these cars and I'm looking to absorb some wisdom I've got two E39s, both '95 or '96, a crashed 528i japanese import, and a high mileage NZ new 523i. The 523i was bought with a blown head gasket, with the intention of replacing the motor with the B28 from the crashed car. We were intending on using both the engine and box from the 528, but that means the car changes from ZF to Jatco box. Is there any preference for which box is better, and is replacing the high mileage ZF for the lower mileage Jatco worthwhile? Lastly, what difficulties are there for all the electrical components to play together nicely? If we use the ECUs from the donor motor and box, do we need the donor DME and other anti-theft parts as well? Thanks in advance
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