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Everything posted by phatbema

  1. phatbema

    My 87' m325i

    are you gonna get silver or chrome finish? :confused:
  2. phatbema


    probably someone on drugs or someother illegal substance :drunk:
  3. phatbema

    eye lids?

    wut about for e36's?
  4. phatbema

    My 87' m325i

    very nice. :thumb:
  5. nice staright ride man :thumb:
  6. phatbema


    :thumb: this rides smooth az in real life.. good sh*t mark :thumb:
  7. na i agree.. its just that i want something a bit different.. to try and stand out from other e36's. angeleyes?
  8. wut do you guys think of these? Do you reckon it would suit my car?
  9. yep.. thats next on my list of things to do..
  10. yea.. it looks like time and money has been spent on it. But has it really payed off in the end?
  11. hm you reckon dude? To me clear lights in the back are a bit gurly, but thats just my opinion...
  12. as you can see there is a little anoying dent under the left headlight
  13. Well this is my bad boy please tell me wut you think? Side View
  14. phatbema

    LAYDLO bma

    Lol.. looks like the usual weekend stop/start traffic around the waterfront
  15. phatbema

    Pulling dents

    How much do u reckon it would cost to get a minor dent out from under the headlight? :confused:
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