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Nick Beulink

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About Nick Beulink

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 07/30/1990

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  • Car
    e36 M3 evo

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  1. hi guys was wondering if anyone could tell me where i can buy a cold air intake system for a 1998 M3 evo (3.2) in christchurch
  2. does anyone have or know where i can get some light eyebrows for my e36 coupe
  3. Does anyone know a place in Christchurch where i can go to get a manual conversion for a 6 cylinder e36 at a low price?
  4. i had a look and couldn't see any but i may not have been looking in the right place, where exactly should i be looking
  5. does anyone know where i can get the wireing for fog lamps for my e36?
  6. yea your prboly right there mate thanks.
  7. the m44 is pritty much the same as my m42 but with only 3kW more power and 3Nm more torque so it isn't worth it for me but thanks anyway and as for a 2.5 or 2.8L i want to keep it an original (m42 or maybe a allreddy hotted up m44) DOHC engin in it, which is just my personal preference.
  8. how much did it cost you to turbo and how much are you selling it for??
  9. would you know anywhere that i could get a quote for this?
  10. sory i ment 20hp and i got this quote from autopassion.
  11. yea i live in christchurch an have looked at geting my computer remaped/chiped but it would cost me $995 witch isn't bad but i would only end up with an extra 40hp witch isn't much bang for my buck
  12. I can't say i really have much of a budget im just trying to find out wat would be the best value for money but i gess i would prefur spending around $1,000 or as little as posable as im only a student, and as for what im looking for with the end result I want to keep my original engin but just want something that has more power to get up and go when needed.
  13. hey guys i have an 1994 e36 318is and have decided i would like a little more power out of it so can any one tell me what i can do to get the best velue for money from it.
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