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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. bumpstop325


    but wait theres more............. call within the next 10 minutes and receive another one free. that's two for the price of one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have one for yourself and save the other one for a rainy day or give it to a friend. this offer is only avaible in this exclusive tv offer. from L V martin and son
  2. mine is naked. but as you all know i have vents. cool!!!! line it with the foil tape??? to refect the heat.
  3. bumpstop325

    Wire size...

    starter cable size 3mm twin, gold? stuff from DSE is alright for your app.
  4. been there, done that, got the std
  5. bumpstop325

    E30 Engine

    buy a write off 325 and transplant it. it will work out cheaper
  6. bumpstop325

    sus shudder

    wheel balance?? has a weight fallen off?
  7. im the same as sic black
  8. happy bday yo! catch up wit ya next wknd end.
  9. me no think that was the same as whangaperoa? new one aye blair? the point is down past masterton on the coast.
  10. rebuttal? thats a big word for you sic.hows the ear???
  11. yeah..not like your company. and she also managed to push a button on the camera. i was thinking castlepoint??? next time. maybe some of the other welly guys might want to join us. rob was in lower hut thats why he didnt come. also maybe might orgainse(sp) abit more. but random cruzes are just as fun. i must admit that it was cold last night. my heater was on hot most of the time to keep her warm. I love wet roads.
  12. lewis post your pics up yo!!! mean as nite. random mission. cheers blair for coming down and lewis for tagging along. very very slow drive all the way about 0 and half k ova da posted speed limit. yeah right after we stoped off at the tui factory!!!
  13. go to a self serve car cleaning place. and do a good engine clean. then park it up and watch for a long time. or carboard it then you have some idea
  14. bumpstop325

    decision time

    supercharge it!!!
  15. luke.......there is no hope. skaife........just spun out!!!
  16. nothing like entertainment with the boyes in blue.
  17. if you match the speed of the engine with the speed of the car then you dont need the clutch. takes abit of practise but it works. make sure that your revs need to be going down to change up and revs need to be going up to change down.
  18. damm. the orange beast all growing up
  19. no shoes when raining. so i dont et my shoes wet. ppl ask me if im cold. but no. even when walking around in stubbies at massey(pnth)
  20. bumpstop325


    slash polynesian cleaning lady slashgus's sister
  21. ryan, depends on when you want it. im coming up on the 16th of april. rxhoon could drive it up if he can. and i will be able to give him a lift home on the 18th.
  22. nice and tidy!! sack it out and bling bling it with some chromies!!!..................not
  23. bumpstop325


    student some of the time truck driver - part time( i supply piss to local clubs/bars/piss shops in pamly, wanganui(sp) area's piss drinker - full time(i wish)
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