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Everything posted by bmw_tonci

  1. what makes you say that? interested to see what others think value wise
  2. if u could thaT would be awesome =) might be a box of beers in it for u if i end up getting it.. or maybe a bottle of Jack
  3. what do you think its worth? im hoping my car will be sold by the end of the week which will be my money supply. ive been considering this car alot recently, either this or try find the extra cash to get a e36 328SE on trademe also.
  4. Hey guys, what do u think of this? reasonable price? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-247664772.htm
  5. Hey guys, My brother owns an e34 535i manual, i believe its a 1989. However hes been living in Italy the last 2 years and has left the car in storage ( he calls it storage, i call it left outside in the rain) and i was going to try get it back on the road. Problem is it has no rego/wof etc due to being off the road almost 2 years now. i was going to get it towed straight to a mechanics to get the car serviced and tested for a WOF first. Who would you guys suggest, the cars currently in Penrose. and would you be able to give a minor indication of what the cost would be, i know that this depends on how much really needs replacing but after 2 years of non-use? Cheers Tonci
  6. ive been looking at that e30 manual since it was listed... would fly to new plymouth from aucks and drive back if my damn holden would sell faster... anyone want a 1966 HR holden? haha
  7. ive been looking at this car for ages.... wish my damn holden would sell so i could make an honest offer
  8. Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone knows this car on trademe? im interested in getting back into an e30 325i and this one seems rather crisp, but im in Aucks and its in Nelson, so if anyone has actually seen this car or even been in it (unlikely but possible) what was it really like. link: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=232221720 auction:232221720 Cheers, Tonci
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