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Status Updates posted by Tidy30

  1. After 3 attempts for a perfect paint of the tech1 spoiler, the beauty is now fixed to the beast! (mild beast)

  2. Guess who just got a 3" drop?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kingkarl


      puberty kicked in late?

    3. Tidy30


      Wait, what did you guys want to see again?

    4. E30 325i Rag-Top

      E30 325i Rag-Top

      3 inches? that sounds like quite a lot - 75mm!! Pretty sure my springs were -40mm and that makes it hard to get over speed bumps. How low have you gone..?

  3. Guess who just picked up a full tech1 kit!

    1. E30 325i Rag-Top

      E30 325i Rag-Top

      Nice - lucky bugger. Genuine or fibreglass?? Still good either way.

    2. JayCee


      Your cab will look so slick

    3. Tidy30


      Genuine ABS plastic, although some slight bog work will need to be done before I play the stripping and painting game.

      Car is too low with it on though!

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