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Everything posted by kerry

  1. i should learn to read better haha , i would still go with e36 rad . no mucking around and factory
  2. i can do early e36 clear so it hides the holes ?
  3. yea get a e34 electric fan for the front side they are a 15" pull fan and you wont have any probs, there nice and thin in the blades so fit good
  4. do you want some like sir e30?
  5. yep it fits mint . use e36 320-328 with external bottle . thats what i have . with a good pull fan youl have no hassle at all
  6. why dont you use a e36 radiator
  7. does any one know how to correctly calibrate a e30 speedo
  8. If its a genuine mirror they will just pop together
  9. nice nothing like a win to make your day. cant wait for a vid man
  10. cheers glen, i have a 330 engine here if i destroy this one, hopefully i wont need to tho,....... hmmm, yea im going to touch base with gavin in the near future.
  11. i would get an AA check first man , these are prone to things failing e.g lcm modules, suspension problems and cooling system.
  12. oh hey graham , yea it was heaps of fun i miss it , detonating weird i thought from the dyno sheets i got it was all good? guess you cant always trust technicians. glad to here its ok tho and still kicking around. good work
  13. hi , thanks man yea it goes quite good , its a m52 tu block with m54 head, vanos deleted and running m50 manifold.
  14. yea man i know your feeling . it will resolve its self tho . all fun and games in the end
  15. the goood ol invincible m20 youl be sweet man just make sure you got all the bits in the right places and power on
  16. sounds good to me mark. engauge power
  17. i got a test bottle at work . pop in its urs
  18. thanks man not to sure how to use yet but il get there
  19. lol yea i have it in a safe place for now . .
  20. he sells it every where . trying to beat the market is hard but his products work ( they really do) , try it
  21. i would love to . i know whats involved but i have 12.3-1 comp. aitn guna hapen with this one , i have a 330 engine i could get hype with though
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