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Everything posted by fourkingz

  1. The thread wore out on the oxygen sensor, and it popped out while driving on the motorway, another sunglasses moment, it might be easier if I tint the windows oh the shame. I would love to bring it to you, but the money situation is tighter than a Von Ditta Corset. I will tie up my hair, arm myself with a commando type spanner, Bentley Bible under arm, nice hot cup of caffine, and go a hunting for any air leaks, all with lip gloss on of course. Thanks Glen, but sometimes you have to have a laugh at stressful moments.
  2. Thanks for that, yes will update profile : )
  3. Thanks Glenn, the breather hose was replaced in Nov as it had a large crack in it, and the crankcase, is that also know as a PCV Valve, that was replaced in October, I also had a knock sensor replaced as the other one had 3 cracks in it. I too, feel air is getting in somewhere as the exhaust smells like rotton eggs. Another Oxygen sensor was installed 3 weeks ago as well. I am stubbed.
  4. Thank you for quick response, I love my car even though it is chroming (grey) out my hair colour.
  5. Hello all, yes a newbie, my 94 318i M43 engine car is embarrasing me to no end. I am having a run- on /dieseling problem. I turn the ignition off, and yes it still runs-on shudders shakes, I start sinking in the seat from pure shame, and have resorted to wearing dark glasses. This problem mainly happens when the car has been running for a bit, but lately he has also been happening after 5/ 10 min of driving. I was using 91 but am now using 95 to see if that helps!. It also has a erratic idle, we have cleaned the ICV, gave it an oil change, and new spark plugs, but E36 haka is still happening. My partner is suggesting I should sell it, I suggested he jump off a bridge. Question: Could a shut off valve cause this problem as well I have trolled so many BMW websites for the solution, my teenager also asks for your help as I'm hogging the internet for a solution.
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