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Karl E30

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About Karl E30

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 05/12/1991

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  • Location
    New Plymouth
  • Car
    E30 325

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  1. Hi I am doing a e30 m52tub28 build and am wanting to splice two looms, can anyone tell me what terminals I should be connecting these to on my e30 cheers Karl, p.s I think its a x33 connection
  2. am doing a M52tub28 conversion to my E30 an after a E34 525 throttle cable. cheers Karl
  3. Karl E30

    ews 3

    hey guys cheers for all the help iv been away for awhile an rearing to get this beast done. will keep an update more regular on the upside suspension is in went for a set of xyz from evan @ speedfactor an is sitting very nice
  4. does anyone have a wiring diagrame for this ews3 iv got the key /ring / computer am doing the same conversion a M52tub28 into a E30 an wanting to run factory computer
  5. Karl E30

    ews 3

    Hi i am currently installing a M52tub28 into my E30 an have brought a ews3 so i can run factory computer.does anyone have a wiring diagram for a e46 or ews3 (with wire colours ) OR is there a company in New Zealand that can take out the ews from computer so i can just plug in an go. Cheers Karl
  6. Hey im puting together a m52tub28 an are wanting to fit a m50 intake
  7. Hay i am pretty new to all of this recently brought myself a gold E30 coupe in ok condition was wanting something different an after watching a few mates an there E30 thought this would be a great project .a few engine conversions have been going through my head Rb been from the Naki hard to go past a dirty Rb then Jz have now come to the conculsion i want to use a m50/m52 motor with a turbo setup will post pictures along the way of project its great to think theres web sites like this around
  8. Hay mate have you sold this setup?
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