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Everything posted by Kaiser

  1. Thanks Rubix, have had a fair bit of interest. I thought 2003 was the last year of the e46 shape?
  2. Hi Team, Sadly its time to sell the 330i so that I can go travelling. Car is in very good condition, and has been meticulously looked after. After $8,900 Trademe Link; http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1043889809&ed=true
  3. Thanks for the advice team, does anyone know what size the bulb is? or what it is called so that I can purchase a new one? Cheers
  4. Hi Team, The orange car light has appeared on my dash, and I am pretty sure it is one of the bulbs in the headlight compartment. The thing is I can't seem to figure out how to change this particular bulb?? Appreciate any help See pics below.
  5. I miss the stability of the AWD on the Suby, i.e you could hit most corners pretty quick and the car would still feel like it was on rails. Haven't pushed the 330i anywhere near as hard in terms of handling as I'm yet to find its limits I miss the boost and the fun of having a turbo from the WRX, it is by and large the best 'toy' I have ever owned. But in terms of daily driving it to work and back, I got over the loud noise and the fact that every 17 year old in a flat peak would try to 'race' me in their Honda Civic... Much happier with the refinement and general smoothness of the BMW
  6. The standard exhaust sounds great! Not too loud, but you can hear the straight 6 sound when you give it some throttle.
  7. Hi all, New member to the site checking in. After selling my toy Subaru (Version 6 STi) a few months ago, I decided to follow the European path and bought a 2003 BMW 330i. Loving the car so far, very different to the Suby, but much more refined and a lot nicer to drive. Been referred here by my mate Keltik. Cheers
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